Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Meryem's Post

I’m on the Road... AGAIN!!!
By: Meryem Guler

When I was little I traveled a lot, but my family first started in New York City, New York. My mom and my dad were visiting my mom’s brother (my uncle) who lived in New York. They were introduced to each other and were married two days afterwards.

Soon they moved to Houston, Texas where my older brother, Mustafa, was born. 17 months later a baby girl was born to the family while in Houston, and you can all guess who that baby was: ME!

A few months later we moved to Cleveland, Ohio where my younger brother, Mehmet, was born. We only stayed there about 3 months and then moved to New York again.
Then we moved to Foster City, California. Afterwards we moved to Cupertino, where we stayed for quite a while. Our next move was to San Jose, where we are now.

After moving from Texas, to Ohio, to New York, and, finally, to California we are tired of moving and hope to stay here a while.

Where were you and your sibling(s) born? Where did you travel to? And give me DETAILS!


Julie Page Ales said...

Hi Meryem,

I loved your post -- it's fun to hear where people are from and were they have been! It's amazing to me how we all come from different places -- yet we all share the same things -- love of family and of life. As for me, I was born in California -- at Hamilton Air Force Base, in Marin County. My dad was a jet pilot in the Air Force, so we traveled around a lot. For example, my older brother was born in Texas at another Air Force Base. When I was little, I went to five different elementary schools! I learned how to make friends -- and also how to play by myself, because sometimes making new friends was hard when I had to move so often. We lived in Virginia for a while -- which I loved, because I played outside all the time. Then we moved to Okinawa, Japan for a while -- and that was new, too. I remember the bugs were really big there -- and the tadpoles were HUGE. (As a kid, I liked to collect frogs and snails...and I would carry them around the neighborhood in my little red wagon.) Great memories. Life is pretty amazing! -- Meryem, I am glad you are here in Cupertino, California. We live in a beautiful part of the world. -- Mrs. Ales

Anonymous said...

During 1990, when my mom and dad weren't married yet, they lived at Taiwan. During 1993, my dad needed to go to Cleveland to study College. In 1996, my mom went to Pittsburgh to study college when my dad went to Pittsburgh to do Graduation School. In 1997, my mom and dad got married and decided to move to New Jersey. During 1999, I was born!! Then in 2002, my little brother was born!! One year later, our family moved to the fabulous San Jose!!! We kept on living here until......

Anonymous said...

I have one brother and one sister. My brother is 3 and his name is Henry. My sister is 6 and her name is Lydia. I was born in Sunnyvale, California. I have never moved to any place. My mom is thing of moving to Colorado.


Anonymous said...

My brother and I were born in America. We didn't really travel a lot, but we traveled to Taiwan before to meet my mom's mom. I went to meet my mom's mom because she is in the hospital. I also traveled to Hong Kong when I was two years old. My dad was from Hong Kong, he traveled all the way to Taiwan to go to a College. My dad wanted to visit Hong Kong so when I was two traveled to Hong Kong.

Anonymous said...

My sister and me were born in America. My sister was born in Kentucky since my parents went to college in Kentucky. After she was born they lived in an apartment for about three months. After that they moved to California and lived in Livermore California for six and a half years then moved to Pleasanton California. That’s where I come in. I was born at the Pleasanton Hospital. After we got me we moved to Cupertino where I went to Stratford. That’s how I was born.

Anonymous said...

I have only one sibling, which is my sister. Her name is Miranda. She was born in Philadelphia, Pennsyvania and in a hospital next to a football stadium. Then my family moved to California because my dad couldn't find a job in Pennsyvania. When my sister was five she wanted a sibling during her birthday and then two days after her birthday I was born in Santa Clara. But I had to stay in the hospital for few days because when I was born I had asthma. My family usually goes somewhere in the summer. And we also go to Taiwan mostly.

Anonymous said...

My mom and dad got their first child, when they were 27 in Wuxi, China. The child was a boy, Andrew, who is mt older brother.He left China at 11 months. My mom, dad, and brother went on a plane ride to Sweden. My older sister, Nancy, was born 9 years later, on July 20th in Sweden. 6 months later, my family(without me, I wasn't born yet) went to Portland, Oregon and lived there for half a year. Later, they moved to an apartment in Cupertino. I was born in the El Camino hospital on December 18, 1998. My brother was 11, while Nancy was 2 and a half. It was a pretty exciting day for my family and I. Our family was completed! When I was 1 years old, I went to China where my oldest aunt cared for me. At three years of age, I went back to America. Yay!
p.s.I don't know if my mom wants another kid.(I don't think so.)
p.p.s.Later we moved to the house i live in now, in San Jose.
p.p.p.s.I was crying"I want auntie, I want auntie!", in chinese though, throughout the whole trip back.some people even asked my mom if I was her child. I'm not kidding!

Anonymous said...

My sibling was born in Sunnyvale, California. I was also born in Sunnyvale, California. I have travled to Hawaii, and to China. My dad and mom were born in China and they came to New York after they graduated from college. After a few years they went to Sunnyvale, Califormia. Then I was born. Then two years later my little brother Garrick was born.