Friday, April 23, 2010

Kimberly's Post

Iceland Volcano
By: Kimberly
Did you hear about the volcano in Iceland? It exploded! The ash went up into the air which stopped planes from flying to America! Even Ms. (Mrs.) McPheeters got to school a day late! The airports
canceled all flights. People had to sleep outside on cold concrete with pickpockets roaming around! Can you believe it?!
Are airports doing the right thing by canceling all flights? If you were an airport manager, would you cancel all flights or would you make flights go to one place (say Alaska), then go to America?

Julie's Post

 Hay Fever
By: Julie
Achoo! You might have heard of hay fever. About 40 million people suffer from hay fever each year, and over one billion dollars are spent each year treating allergies. Spring and fall are allergy seasons. They are allergy seasons because they both have a lot of wind and pollen and dust get blown everywhere. You may wonder how hay fever occurs: your body’s immune system has an extreme reaction to airborne particles that are normally harmless. Most people have been experiencing these symptoms: sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, postnasal drip, nasal congestion, coughing, facial pain or pressure, or fatigue. Some people prefer to go to their primary physician or allergist. I much more prefer natural remedies or medicine to the over the counter medicine like Clariton. You can try natural remedies if you like. Make sure you get the right medicine! Do you have allergies? If so, what are you allergic to? Does anyone in your family have allergies?