Wednesday, January 30, 2008

15 Seconds.......??

If you had the attention of a presidential candidate for 15 seconds, what would you say? What issues are important to you? What questions would you ask? If you are unsure about some of the current issues, use some of the links on the sidebar to gain a better understanding of what topics people are concerned about.

Change starts with the ability to form an opinion followed by the passion to communicate it to others.

Friday, January 25, 2008

It's Raining, It's Pouring....

It seems as though it has been raining nonstop today!! I've heard people say, "It's about time. We needed some rain." I've also heard others react differently to the wet stuff; "When is it going to stop? Enough already!" How can rain be both a bad thing and a good thing? Doesn't it have to be one or the other? How do you feel about all of this rain we have been having?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Over the weekend I attended a teacher training in Monterey। The weather was gorgeous and when it was low tide, we visited the tidepools. It was amazing and felt as if I were walking on the ocean floor. It exposed many creatures including this "thing"(see picture on the left). It felt, and kind of looked like a tongue. It clung to the rock like a star fish with a yellow gooey inside. As soon as I picked it up, it started curling up in a ball (picture on the right). I wonder what this thing was? Maybe it dates back to the dinosaur ages? Maybe it is in the starfish family? Maybe you can figure out what I picked up that day? Whatever it sure was interesting!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Friday, January 4, 2008

Room 19 Ready To Blog!

Hopefully everyone had an enjoyable and restful holiday break! I spent the majority of my time in El Paso, TX visiting with family and friends only to come back to a record-setting storm in the Bay Area. They are expecting up to 10 feet of snow over the weekend! This makes me want to grab my board and go except the conditions are extremely dangerous on the roads, so I am going to wait it out for now. If the winds decrease on the ridges (100+ mph!) I might try to make a day trip on Saturday or Sunday. All I can say is it is about time CA got some good snow!!!

How was your winter break? What did you do? Describe one exciting detail from your adventures!

I can't wait to start using our class blog! We are going to start blogging as an entire school this trimester with united goals and expectations. Our format and purpose for blogging may look a little different than what you were used to. These changes were decided in order to make it more manageable for teachers yet still creating an enriching and enjoyable experience for students. It will take a while for us to work out the "kinks" so please be patient. Happy blogging!!

(Be sure to leave your first name when commenting so others know who it is from!)