Monday, June 18, 2012

Sana's Post

 Summer Break!!
By: Sana P.

     When I think of summer, I think of bright green grass and long days. I think of tank tops, flip flops, shorts, and lots of sunscreen. I think of movies and picnics in the park and eating out. I think of running through the waves of the ocean and building droopy sandcastles on the shore. I think of lazing around. I think of sunglasses and lemonade. Summer is clearly a time that everyone is waiting for, even if it’s only for the ice cream you get every other day.
Most people have a ton of plans for summer. Some people might be visiting or having over friends and family. Some people might be going for summer camps. Some people might be going for vacation. I happen to be going to New York and Washington D.C. I am also going to a summer camp called ‘Summer Express’, a camp that keeps you entertained by four classes everyday. I have chosen: rollerblading, swimming, mad science, and jewelry making! It sure is going to be a lot of fun! Are you going on vacation or to a summer camp?
The best part of summer is that it is the same for almost everyone all over the world. My parents grew up in India and they remember their summers, like mine, as being lazy, hot, and full of lemonade! What I really love about summer is that it is the only time that my parents let me have back to back play dates and sleep-overs! Although, if your parents are like mine, they probably will make you study at least one hour on a daily basis. That truly is the worst part of summer!

Now, what do you like about summer? Are you going anywhere, or do you just want to chill out? Do you think summer break is fun, or do you miss school?


Niraj said...

I am going to chill out in the summer. I will got to a few camps including cricket. I will definitely miss Portal but will be relieved after a big school year. Overall, nice post.

Audrey said...

I love summer! It's a time to relax, but not really this year for my family. The day after school ends we are off to France, I am so exited! I hope you have a great summer too! I love to roller blade.

Great post

Umair said...

I will miss School. But I like Summer you get to play a lot.