Monday, June 18, 2012

 By Edward

   Grow is a series of very challenging games. They include Grow Nano, Grow RPG, Grow Island, Grow Valley, Grow Tower, Grow Cube, The Life Ark, and the original, GROW. You start off with with someone or something that is completely plain. On the bottom bar, there are many different items. You randomly pick each one and each one of those makes the plain thing more decorated, make it have life, or to help someone. After you pick them all, the the bar will flip over for what level each one got to. Your goal is to get each one of those items to get to max. There are only 1 combination to get all the items max. Each one also has a  secret ending called UFO. UFO is very different from the original ending. If you don’t use the walkthrough, you can spend hours trying to solve just one Grow game! If you ever played a Grow game, which one is your favorite? Why or why not? If you never played a Grow games, Do you think you would like to try one?


Shivani said...

Hi Edward,
I have never tried a Grow game but it sounds a little bit like Smurfs, a game that I used to play when I was little. I would want to try Grow Valley because from the pictures I saw, it looks really fun.

Aayush said...

Grow is my favorite game! I beat it without youtube then I got the secret endings with youtube. If you want help you can ask me

Aayush said...

also, i forgot to mention some games have different endings like valley ending is under and islands is UFO

Cody said...

I play Grow RPG. I alredy beat the game, by killing the Diablo. Nice post, Edward.