Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The iPad is Here!

By: Naren

It is here. The latest iPad has come, equipped with a lot more features than its cousins, the iPad and iPad 2, do.

The retina display in this new iPad is unbelievable. Brighter and clearer than any other iPad, iPhone, or iPod. The iPad is noticeably more clear than both the iPad (1st generation) and the iPad 2.

The iPad 2 was a pioneer in the whole camera-on-the-iPad thing and it wasn’t the best camera Apple created. The new iPad is a lot better thanks to the better lenses and the 5 mega-pixels, which creates more clarity in every picture. The picture of the flower to your right was taken by the new iPad. It is very clear.

The new iPad’s Internet is super fast. Faster than my computer! It is all thanks to the new 4G LTE, which enhances the Internet to go at lightning fast speeds.

Some other improvements are Dictation and the ten-hour battery. Dictation is for people who would rather talk than type. If they just say what they what they want to type, Dictation will type it for them. Even though the new iPad has better retina display, which would usually consume lots of battery power, the iPad still has 10 hours worth of battery.

There is no doubt that the iPad is very brilliant. If you could design at least one new feature for the next iPad, what would it or they be?


Edward said...

Nice post, Naren! If I can design some features of the net iPad, I will make a built in holoprojector for the video apps and games. The feature will be its 3d without glasses. Overall, Nice post!

Shivani said...

Hi Naren,
Great post! If I could design a new feature on the new iPad I would create an app where you could get an identification number for all of my credit cards, library cards, bank acount, or whatever you need. That would make things much easier. There would be no need for a wallet. You could get your library books without carrying a library card or get your icecream groceries and much more. How easier could life become?

- Shivani

Sammy said...

One new feature I would design would be the feature to track your ipad by adding a add-on to your other Apple device. For example, you are at Great America, when the park closes down and you have to leave. You don't notice that you left your ipad behind, so when you get home, you finally notice. You can just whip out your laptop or phone and figure out where it is.

Umiar P. said...

Wow! Awesome post! I would make the camera better and make it zoom it in more.

George L. said...

Another feature I would design is a device to sense motion. Then, they could add a lot of new apps like "How old are you," or something like that. Another feature I would design is a device to sense motion. Then, they could add a lot of new apps like "How old are you," or something like that.

Niraj said...

Nice Post! I would like the iPad to have a removable keyboard so it will be easy to type quickly.

Ryan said...

I would design it to have more data storage for photos and games. Then, you could upload more photos and games.

Jacob said...

I think that the IPad will need the ability like the IPhone 4S, a voice recorder and how it can communicate with you. Then it will be in the same generation as the IPhone 4S!

All in all, nice post!

Rohan R said...

Nice post Naren! I would make the camera in the iPad better so it could zoom in more and you could take better photos. I would also add a feature so that you could watch movies and read books on it.

Audrey said...

Great post! My new feature would be making the 'Find My iPhone' app more accurate by making the location clearer. And I would make the Siri voice a lot more human sounding with more responses. And I would make it so that if you had an Apple computer you could text to you computer so when you get home and you look at your laptop, you could be reminded of something you have to do, for example: You find out in the morning that you are bringing a book to school so your friend could barrow it. But you might forget so you could text you computer and and when you get home you could remember.
Fascinating post!

Courtney said...

Nice post! I think another feature the iPad could have is a baby monitor. You could leave your iPad next to your sleeping baby and get your iPhone connected to it. If your baby starts to cry, you can hear it on your iPhone that is next to you.

Rohan I. said...

Brilliant post Naren! I would like to install an app were you could install any other app for free. I also wish that this app could be legal.

Jeremy said...

Great post, Naren! I would create an automated wireless network inside the iPad so that you could go on the Internet, the App Store, and many other awesome features that require Wi-Fi.

Nick said...

A new feature that I would design would be 3d for everything. Or, I might make a voice recodnition lock where everything is voice operated. Great post, Naren!

Cody C. said...

If I were to improve one thing on a new iPad it would be to have a holographic feature. What I mean is that there will be Holographic pictures. By the way, Nic Post!

Sana P. said...

Hey Naren,
If I could add a new feature on the next iPad, it would be like Edward said, a holoprojector or a leser keyboard. I am already waiting for the next iPad! Apple, hurry up!!!

Kelly said...

Great post Naren! I understood a majority of the words (just kidding):). It is hard to think of a new addition to a device that is already so revolutionary. I must say, if I could add a new feature, it would have to be pieces you can attach to it to turn it into a musical instrument. I think this would sell well because a lot of people play instruments.

Sana P. said...

I would put on a holoprojector, laser keyboard, 3d, and of course, more games!