Wednesday, May 16, 2012

April Fools’ Day
By: Morgan

Hi, have you ever wondered why we do pranks on April Fools' Day? Well, it is because in the 16th century, France celebrated the New Year just like we do today, except they partied on April 1st. In 1562, Pope Gregory changed the calendar to the one we use today and from then on, the New Year began on January 1st. Lots of people didn't know about the new calendar, or they ignored the new calendar and kept celebrating on April 1st. So everyone else called them April’s fools and played tricks on them. In different countries, they do different jokes. For example, kids in Italy and France traditionally tack paper fish on each other's back as a trick and shout out “April fish!” To let the other person know that they have just been pranked.

This year, for April Fools’ Day, I just showed a math trick to my family and friends, which I hope I can show everyone. I was hoping to also find out what you did on April Fools’ Day. So tell me, what did you do for April Fools’ Day?


Zoe said...

Fantastic post, Morgan! I didn't do anything for April Fools Day.

Aayush said...

Great post Morgan!
Hmm April fools not a big fan of but I tried to prank my sister by staring at her to wake up but it got boring.

Jasmin W. said...

I loved your post, Morgan!
I didn't do anything for April Fool's Day this year, but last year at Chinese school we played a prank on the teacher. We hid somewhere and waited for the teacher to find us so we could surprise her. Unfortunately, the teacher got very angry and scolded us.

Krisha said...

Awesome post, Morgan. I didn't do anything for April fools day this year, but your really making me regret it. I just got an idea, what if I put shaving cream into a soap bottle? Hahaha! Once again, great post!

Umair P. said...

I love to this every april fools.
I go to one of my parent's and scream to the top of my lungs and say that there's a big spider or something like that on his shirt . I should've new that my parent's are not scared of a single thing! That was a thing I forgot.XD. Another one I copied this one from Diary of a Wimpy kid. I amended the time to 7:00, even thought it was around 5 or so. I kept the curtains closed, then my dad was going to make himself some tea until...My mom interupted him and said that is he crazy of making tea around 5:00. Then I did what I was supposed to do. Shout April fools.

Jessie W. said...

We didn't do anything on April Fools because it was a Sunday.

Rohan I. said...

Awesome post Morgan! I did not do anything for April Fools. I would have scared my brother when he was about to sleep, but my parents didn't let me.

- Rohan I.

Shivani said...

Hi Morgan,
Great post! I didn't do anything for April Fools Day. I really wanted to trick my parents but I didn't come up with a good one.

Sana P. said...

Hey Morgan,

I pranked my parents on April Fools Day, I made trick food, I got the idea from a passage. I made pizza out of tortilla bread, strawberry jam, white chocolate and licorice. When they ate it, they spit it out and I yelled April Fools Day!

Kelly said...

Great post, Morgan! My family was pranking each other left and right on April 1st. When I first woke up, I went downstairs to the computer to check my e-mail. A little while later, my dad came in and asked me if I wanted to set up any jokes. I actually forgot it was April Fools' Day at first, but when I was reminded, there was no doubt that someone would fall for one of my tricks. I didn't really have any ideas, so I searched up pranks on the internet. I found one that seemed pretty simple and effective, so I headed for the garage to fill my mom's umbrella with confetti. When I entered the garage, I found my dad's Prius covered in sticky notes! I quickly went and got my dad and little sister (who was awake by then). We ended up driving the Prius to Church. On the drive there, I observed many people taking out their phones and taking pictures of the car. When we got home, my mom opened two different doorknobs, one covered in toothpaste, the other covered in peanut butter. Also, I secretly put a rubber band around the sink so that when it was turned on it would spray in someone's face. It didn't really work out, but that's okay. My older sister and I poured some dark nail polish on wax paper, hoping it would dry fast enough to place on my parents' tax papers and freak them out. Another thing I did was I cut a sticky note to fit under the computer mouse so that it wouldn't move. My little sister almost took credit for that one, but luckily she wasn't very convincing. Finally, I asked my mom to go to the store so that I could buy flowers and chocolate. I put them on the kitchen counter and waited. It was funny to see how paranoid everyone was when it really wasn't a prank; just a creative way to get my mom to buy me chocolate. Sorry for making the comment as long as the post. Can't wait for next year! I have a plan that involves a lot of saran wrap. :)