Monday, June 15, 2009

Neil's Post

Summer Time!
By: Neil

Summer is
approaching and school will end. Half of our class will leave to middle school. And we will have more time to do chores! That's enough with the terrible thoughts. I will now start the good news. You probably have some great plans for the summer. I think summer time is the best part of the year because it is the only time of the year you get to relax and do what ever you want. I'm going to the Sierra Nevada to climb some mountains with my friend. We have a family cabin that we share with our relatives. There is a stream that runs near it and we like to make dams there. If you have nothing to do, you'd better have some good relaxing plans. What are you going to do over the summer?

1 comment:

Ishan said...

Wohooo! I love this post!!! I've made very precise plans over the summer. First of all I wake up at 8:30 am then from 8:30 am I go on the computer to 7:30 pm if my sister doesn't kick me off! If my sister does kick me off...I just go to my friends house and play on his computer or his Xbox 360 (Halo 3) and on his Wii (Mario Kart!!!) Yep, thats the life of Ishan during summer vacation!