Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nandini's Post

My Soccer Tournament

By: Nandini

This weekend, I had a D2 Cup. My team, Surefire is a very cooperative team. We get a lot done and still have fun! We got first place in the whole entire district but, we won second place in the D2 tournament. We played four games and I played up to my potential for every game except the third game. The thing was that I was really sick for that game. At least I didn’t let any goals in.

The thing that splits competitive soccer teams apart is the “classes.” There is class one and class three (class one is better). My team is in class three but, next season we will be going into a class one team. We played against class one players so, it was a good accomplishment for our team. I saw many of the players in my old team which brought back memories. Sad ones and happy ones. Then, I got back to Earth and started focusing on the game!

Overall, my coach is very proud of us and he congratulates us for the work we put in to make our ranking so high. Next time, we plan working harder but, we still aren’t disappointed since we were the “underdogs” as our coach said.


Malini said...

What is the D2 cup? It's so cool that your team got first place in the district.

Nandini said...

The D2 cup is like a tournament. Most teams play in it and I think it comes every other season. Or, maybe every season. I'm not sure.

Ishanm said...

AWESOME!!!!!! I LOOVVEEEE soccer!!!! The season in soccer I just had we won all games and tied one! Too bad, there were no tournaments ='( but if there were we would be in it! Soccer is sooo awesome and its super fun!!! I can't wait until the FIFA world cup soccer which is coming up next year in 2010!!!! GO BRAZIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ramya(sixth grader) said...

Soccer is one of my favorite sports! We played in the D2 tournament too! We got first place too!!

Agrima said...

cool Nandidi!!!!I,m a fourth grader but you know me. I was in CDC with you.I wish I could have watched you play!good luck for your next game!