Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's Sumer Time!!!!

Ok, you've got 6 weeks of fun in the sun. What will you be doing? How are you spending your days? Give a little "hello" or keep us posted of what you are up to over the summer on this blog post. Hope you are all being safe and having fun.

Go outside and play; turn off the tv and th
e computer!!!! Go be a kid!!!!!


Ishan said...

HEY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you all doing??? I've been playing on the computer and watching TV 24/7/365! (Sorry Ms.McPheeters but as a kid my job is to play on the computer [=)
Well...I have been playing outside...a lot.....kinda...a little...rarely...ok ok fine! Almost never!!! I do go outisde everyday to time myself in running so I can get faster! Even a computerholic like me goes outside! I'm so happy its summer (and the 4th of July)! Hmm I'm also suprised no one posted a comment yet on this blog (that I know of!) Well see you guys next year!!! I'll be coming back!

Chrissy said...

Hi guys! I am having tons of fun so far on my summer break. Last weekend, I went kayaking about 11 miles down a long, lazy river. It was so refreshing since it was super hot outside. Then, I went wakeboarding and tubing on my cousin's boat! I also saw a really good fireworks show on the 4th. We were practically sitting right underneath them! I've had many pool days, bbq's with friends, shopping, and reading in the sun! I hope you guys are having fun too. I can't wait to hear what you are up to.

Malini said...

Hi you guys! I've just been home ,on the weekdays, with my sister, and my grandpa. I'm mostly just play outside or read. I finished so many books. On the July fourth weekend, we went to many places. On Friday we went to this hiking place near a river,and the river was less populated with people.So we had our own place to swim and have a picnic. On Sunday we went to Sonoma. My parents and my grandpa wanted to see some wineries so my sister and I were just following them quietly, because they told us if we behaved they would take us to the Jelly Belly Factory.When we went to the Jelly Belly Factory we got a tour of how they make Jelly Bellies and my sister and I each got getr one bag of Je;;y Beans! Don't worry we didn't finish it all in one day.

Nikita said...

Hi everyone!! I'm in India and having a great summer!! O.K. maybe not the best because I have a younger brother who fell of a motorcycle due to two stray black dogs. He was admit in the hospittal for three whole days!! He got hurt on the face and both his hands. He is recovering quicker. I go outside like, everyday!! I rarely get on the computer, but I do get bored a lot. Tomorrow is my cousin's birthday and we are going to have a blast!!!!!!

Auboni said...

hi everyone! Now it is almost the end of summer but on the 29th of july i am going to New York and returning on August 5th so I will be in time for school the very next day. I hope you all had a awsome summer!!!!!!!!!!!

Katherine said...

HI EVERYONE! My summer's been okay because all I do is stay at home an work. On the Fourth of July y family went to a friend's house to watch fireworks and have dinner. They planted a peach tree and the peaches are delicious! I exercise everyday by going to the park to play Hot Lava Monster/Tag with my friends who live nearby. I even saw Alcia once! When I'm not at the park to exercise, I either am forced to run laps or am at dance! I can't wait to see the school and all the fourth (or maybe fifth because they're fifth graders now) and Ms. McPheeters! Thanks for posting!