Thursday, April 16, 2009

Malini's Post

By: Malini

Birds chirping, animals out of their houses, flowers blooming and the sun is out! It’s spring! I personally love spring it is so fresh and green. My name means flower girl and I was born in spring. The weather is always perfect, not too hot, and not too cold; it is awesome weather to play in. My family is buying a lot of plants that grow flowers. My front and backyard is so colorful and pretty. Every time I look out I want to run out there and play. I think I’m going to have a picnic everyday of this break. Even though it is nice outside, sometimes I can’t help but read a great book. Cleary, you can see why I love spring.

What is your favorite season and why? Describe your favorite season.


Rujuta said...

Well, my favorite season is summer. I like summer because my birthday is in summer. Also, since we have summer break, my friends and I can have sleepovers where we can stay up late and play games for a long time. Also, during summer it is hot so I can eat ice cream or a Popsicle, or if it is really hot, my friends and I might be able to have a water balloon fight. As you can clearly see, my favorite season is summer.

Ishan said...

My favorite season is probably summer. I like summer because you can swim (I have a swimming pool in my backyard) and every day is a good sunny day. If it snowed in California I would like winter more because I like sledding on the snow and having fun snow ball fights!

Carolyn said...

My favorite season would probably be fall. This is because it is in between the seasons winter and summer, which for me is great. Also, in fall it is warm and cold so it makes the perfect weather for me. I also like making leaf piles and seeing how the leaves change colors. This is why fall if my favorite season.

Kedar said...

My favorite season is spring because I think that in spring, the temperature is just right. Summer is too hot, winter is too cold, and fall is too windy. I was also born in spring because even though I was born in June, summer hadn't started yet. Spring normally has temperatures in the 70's or 80's and there is practically always a calm breeze. A lot of flowers bloom in spring and the whole word looks pretty.

Devika said...

I don't have a favorite season.I think that all of them are good in their own ways. I like summer because my birthday is in summer. Also, I get to go to the pool and play out in the sun while drinking lemonade. In winter, I get to play in the snow sometimes.I also get to drink hot cocoa. In fall, the leaves all fall and me and my friends have a fun time crunching the leaves. There is also and excellent weather. In spring, All the flowers bloom and the leaves on their trees are bright green. The air is very fresh. But, in spring, even though I don't, most of my friends are allergic to the pollen so they get a bit sick and I can not play with them.

Sarah 4 said...

My favorite season is Winter! I like winter because I get to drink hot chocolate while watching T.V. My parents also invite my relatives. I have two cousins from Los Angeles. They are teenagers that passed college or something. Last year they came to my house and my brother and I taught them how to play a Playstation2.

sarah5 said...

My favorite season is summer. First, summer is when summer break happens. Summer is hot, the perfect weather for swimming, my favorite sport. On summer my family and I would go somewhere. In summer, I can have more ice-cream. I also play in parks. Summer days are longer so I can have more time to play. ( If you say summer a lot, it sounds funny)

Justin said...

My favorite season is summer because summer is a time when I can enjoy my self. True it's very hot, but you can always go swimming to bet the heat. Also I like summer because we have no school in summer so I have plenty of time to play video games and go to all boy sleepovers at my friends house. Summer is my favorite season also because it's a time when I can do things I'm not allowed to do during school days like throw water balloons at my friends and stuff like that. All in all summer is my most favorite season of the year.

Alicia said...

Spring is my favorite time of the year! Flowers blossom and grow. During the two week break, I usually go on vacation or PEP. Sometimes I stay home and have enough sleep.

Summer is my second season of the year. There is a long break for us to have fun. Mostly, I go on vacation. If I am not on vacation, I am usually in summer camp or at home. After summer, I will move up to 5th grade! My older brother will be home from collage. I can't wait till summer!

Kimberly said...

I like every season. Every season is unique from the other. I like winter because you have a break so that you can go somewhere where there is snow to play with, also Christmas is in the winter. I like fall because all the colorful leaves and Halloween. I like spring because the beautiful blooming flowers make the world look new. Finally, I like summer because there is summer break, you can go swimming, and you can eat ice cream and Popsicles.