Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rujuta's Post

After School Activities
By: Rujuta

Hi room 19! After school, everyone does something or the other; some people do sports, art, and other things. Well, my after school activities are dance class, swimming class, and karate class. All these activities give me exercise and are really fun. In Karate, I am on the gold belt which is basically level three. In swimming, I have a white ribbon which is three levels away from pre-comp. From these after school activities, I like dance class the best because all the girls there are my age so we play together a lot. Our group usually performs at many competitions and programs too. We have won four competitions ever since I started which was when I was a first grader. So what after school activities do you have and which one is your favorite; why?


Ishan said...

Hmm...lets might sound surprising but the only after school activity I have is....the one and only...great sport of.....SOCCER!!!!!! Its my favorite because I really like the sport of soccer.

NIkita said...

My favorite sport is swimming because you can be in water and I enjoy it[kinda]. I hate it when we have hard work outs. Those are the worst!

Devika said...

I have 3 after school activities.They are an indian classical dance called Kathak,french, and guitar.I really don't have a favorite one because I have been learning Kathak for over 4 years, I think learning another language si really cool.Then, when I go to that country I can speak that language over there.I like guitar because, well, I think learning an instrument like guitar is really amazing and I just love. I am very passionate about drama.(music,acting,and dancing.)

Sarah 4 said...

I have four after school activities. I first have drawing, piano, violin, and flute. My favorite activity is drawing because it's fun to draw and I'm interested in it. I want to become an artist when I grow up because I want to help other poor people. How I can do that is I can sell my pictures and donate some money to the charity.