Monday, April 27, 2009

CA Missions & More!

It is the time you have all been waiting for... All of you that auditioned did a fabulous job reciting your lines, speaking with expression, and projecting your voice. Keep in mind that no matter what role you have in the play, you will all help make this play the best it can be. I can't wait to see you guys on stage singing loud, clear, and expressive all while having a ton of FUN! Be sure to practice, practice, practice! The songs will be posted on a separate blog soon - stay tuned! Again, great job to everyone who auditioned. Be supportive and a good team player by staying positive no matter what your role is; this will help us achieve greatness!

(The roles will be described in more detail over the next few weeks.)
California Missions & More

JB - Malini
Johnson - Chinmaya
Natives #1 - Nidhi
Natives #2 - Akshara
Natives #3 - Katherine
Natives #4 - Rebecca
Natives #5 - Anshul
Natives #6 - Brandon C.
Administrators #1 - Pallavi
Administrators #2 - Jeffrey Chiu
Father Serra - Neeraj
Captain Portola - Auboni
Set Director - Neil
Spanish Girl - Soraya
Costume Designer - Nikita
Galvez - Rishita
Ranchero Wife #1 - Sarah 4th
Ranchero Wife #2 - Nandini
Ranchero Wife #3 - Rupa
Ranchero Wives - Shreya, Bhavana, Ria, Jasmine, Rachel, Meryem, Sarah 5th
Farmer - Omkar
Farmer's Wife - Carolyn
James Polk - Kaelyn
Jedediah Smith - Kedar
Sutter - Shivani
Marshall - Brandon E.
Miners - Aditya, Jonathan, Mihir, Rishard, Wesley, Shreyas, Jeffrey S., Dilip, Shoumil, Justin, Brian
2nd Natives #1 - Sanjana
2nd Natives #2 - Devika
2nd Natives #3 - Nikhika
2nd Natives #4 - Rasika
2nd Natives #5 - Lianne
2nd Natives #6 - Alicia
Californian #1 - Kim
Californian #2 - Rujuta
Californian #3 - William
Californian #4 - Raymond
Californian #5 - Ishan
Calinfornian #6 - Kaytlin
Californian #7 - Puja
Californian #8 - Parker

GREAT JOB ROOMS 19 & 24!!!!!


nidhi said...

I just saw in the weekly reminders about you posting the roles so I came here to check. My role was easy to spot since it was at the top. I think Natives are the Native Americans that come first.

Pallavi N said...

I saw the blog and it says I am an administrator#1. I think it means that I am with Galvez. I am really looking forward to starting the "real play practice" like when we are on the risers and we practice our lines.

Katherine said...

Thanks for posting our play parts! I am really excited and I checked about every hour, hoping to find my play part! When I read the roles, I was really excited, because I was Native American #3! I told my parents and siblings and they all encouraged me and told me to do well. I hope that we can all do well and work together as a team!

Katherine said...

I also have a question... When will the real rehearsals and the real play when our parents come be?

Chrissy said...

I love seeing how everyone is being really positive about their roles no matter what part they got. That just shows that we will be a solid team going into rehearsals! As for the performance date.....check the Weekly Reminders!!! ;0)

Jeffrey C. the administrator#2 said...

I am really appreciated that I got a part. Even though I do not know what a adminstrator is, I am still happy that I got a part.

malini said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! I'm so happy wiht my part. Great job everyone! I promise I'll do my best at JB!

Rupa Ganesh said...

I am really happy with my play part. I am sick but I told my mom to check the weekly reminders every hour after six. When I saw my play results I was really happy. I am not quite sure what my part means but it sounds cool.

Ishan said...

W00T I like my part! Its cool.

Sarah 4 said...

When I fist saw what I was, I was surprised. I never knew I would get a speaking part as a wife. My volume is usually very low unless I talk to my friends. I will try very hard to speak louder so everyone can hear me from the back of the room. I really planned to be anyone so I'm not upset with my part.

Nikita said...

I am so excited! I am so happy being the costume designer. I think it's the best part in the play. Even though I don't get to sing a solo. But, I get act soooooo dramatic! I can't wait till play practice in the Multi. B-)

Anonymous said...

:D! Break a leg!!!

Dhruv said...

Hey! We did this play two years ago! I was Sutter! When is your performance? I would love to come!

Rasika said...

I saw our play parts and there aren't any sugar cubes.I wonder who they are.

Anshul said...

It is good that you posted it on the blog, because we didn't get any sheet of paper that said all the play parts. My part is a Native American #5. I didn't get any solo parts. That is okay with me because then I get to do it with a group and not alone.

Shivani ( John Sutter) said...

Yay!!! I got the part of John Sutter!!! I am so excited. I will surely try my hardest to memorize my lines. I am so excited for our real play!! i hope it will be even better then last year's play.( It might be harder to be better then last year, but we have new people this year! Who knows what will happen??!!!

Aditya said...

I love being a miner!!! Whooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

Joanna said...

We did it two years ago (Just as Dhruv said). I was one of the rancho wives. My fav part was the begining because it was just the risers with no one on stage. Then JB comes one calling us to get to the stage. In the begining, everyone in the audience is confused thinking if theres a play or not. Then we ran out from the back of the stage and some of the classrooms that are connected to the multi-purpose room. Good Luck to current 4th and 5th graders. Especially good luck to Malini or JB :)