Sunday, March 22, 2009

Jeffrey's Post

What If You Had A Million Dollars?
By: Jeffrey
What would you do with a million dollars just like Bill Gates? You can do anything with it like keep it or use it up to buy technology or just go and use your money for fashion clothes because some people just like shopping for fun. What I would do is to give some money to the poor because they don’t have anything to eat which are their basic needs for life. I would also want to do is that I would buy the useful things I need everyday such as a laptop computer for browsing internet, and a mountain bike for exercise, the last but not least, a grand piano. You can do what ever you want with it. Give me at least two ideas of what you would do and why you would do it and give me lots of details.


Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars I would first buy all the video games that I want. Then, I would buy the seventeen inch macbook pro with the biggest desktop from apple. Next, I would buy the biggest Tv from Sony.Then, I would buy a limo and a mansion because I have always wanted to live in a mansion andI would get a lot of furniture for it. I would want a limo because they look really cool and I have also wanted to ride in one. With the money I have left I will donate it to charity the reason why I would give the rest to charity is because other people may need it more than I do. That's what I would do with a million dollars.

Anonymous said...

I would buy another nintendo d.s.

Anonymous said...

The reason why I want a nintendo d.s. is because then if I lost one D.S., I would still have another one. After that I would donate some money to charity.

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars I would buy a mansion. After that I would buy a guard dog even though the mansion has I high security. I would later buy another dog I could play with. The type of dog I would want would either be a golden retriever or a labrador retriever(like Cody)!! The money I have left I would also donate it to the charity after I save some money for myself in the bank.

Anonymous said...

If I had one million dollars I would save most of it for college and Medical school, since it cost about 300,000 dollars. Next, I would give money for charity since some people don't have a lot of money to buy things for them to survive. I would also buy a laptop so I could download games that my parents thinks that the game will kill the computer, so they won't let me download them. I would also buy a bike that does not squeak that much, since my mom won't buy me another bike, even though it squeaks. That is what I would do with one million dollars.

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars I would save most of it for college and use some of it to buy clothes and food for the poor. I would of just give money to the poor but I've heard that it's sometimes not good because sometimes homeless people see other people with houses drinking wine, so they waste their money on wine instead of something useful. I would also give some of it to the community so in the future there will be more help than there used to be!

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars, I would donate $250,000 dollars to charity. Then I would spend $300,000 on shares in companies making a profit, and watch as my money slowly grows. Then I would have a pool made in my backyard, and I would buy a lot of video games (not too many). Then I would save at least $300,000 for college.

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars, I would buy a pet dog. I would buy a dog because they can be very playful. I would also buy a mac book so I can use it to do projects and play games. Then, with all the money I would have left, I would donate it to charity because some people don't have food, water or good clothes.

Anonymous said...

I'd put it in the bank, and then when I was all grown up, I wouldn't get a job. I'd live on my intrust.I would buy a bunch of checks. Then, I would go on a buying spree.

Anonymous said...

I would save some of the money and spend the rest of the mony on other things.

sarah5 said...

I would give $250,000.00 to charity, $500,000.00 to use for myself and $250,000.00 to my college fund. With my $500,000.00 to spend, I would save $250,000 for later usage and with $250,000.00, I would buy myself a T.V for my room and as many laptops as I could buy with the remaining money.