PLAY BALL!By: Sarah 5thHi! My favorite sports is skill. In skill, two players play. Your goal is to make your opponent make a mistake and get out. Then you become the server. You need to hit the ball on your side and hit it in a way so that the ball bounces to the other side. You are out if you hit the ball and it bounces on your square twice or if you don’t hit the ball in your square.
What is your favorite sport/sports? Why do you like it?
My favorite sport is tennis. I like tennis because it is fun to throw out all of my anger on the ball, instead of my sister. No, I am just kidding. I like it because it is a fun sport. I just can't explain it. I just... love it. Ugh! I can't explain it.
By The Way: Nice Post Sarah!!
I also think Skill is my best sport, even though it might not even be a sport. I am not really athletic, and I have problems with my legs, thighs, and feet. That means I cannot be really involved in sports that include too much running. I think that Skill is really fun because it doesn't involve too much running and you can also try your best, like with other sports. The only problem is that it can make your hands a crackly, like with Wall-Ball and 2-Square. Though this doesn't stop me from playing.
My favorite sport is swimming and skiing. I like swimming because you can play all sorts of games and have fun!! You can also race your friends. I like skiing because there are different levels and you can do tricks and have fun!
All in all, I like other sports but these two are my favorite sports.
My favorite sport is badminton because you can really challenge yourself by playing. You can challenge yourself by trying to do tricks that are hard to do: pick up the birdie(ball) with your racket. It is really fun too because even though some people don't like to exercise, they can play activities that they like, but they don't notice that they're also exercising. My friends all say I'm really good at it, probably because I had some coaches named "Hannah" and "Nina". They taught me a lot of things i didn't know yet which made me a better badminton player. They are both twins, and stay together, so they both teach me.
My most FAVORITE sport in the whole universe is SOCCER!!!!!!! Hmm I fell as if I am repeating this....I have been playing soccer since....I don't know but I think around 3 or 4 years old? At age 6 or 5 I started playing in groups with other people except it wasn't games. At age 6 or 7 or so I joined AYSO and I'm still in it today. In AYSO their are real soccer games. I really like soccer because I think its really creative and guess what? My best friend Brian =] also plays soccer!!! Another sport I like is running! (I think I wrote this in another blog) I've been running since kindergarten! Before 2nd grade I was in the school DeVargas. In DeVargas, there was a running program called "Run For Fun" and I ran with a friend in that program. At the end of the year whoever ran the most in your grade level won a prize. That was me and one of my friends who I ran with tied with me. Then I went to Portal and in 3rd grade running club came out. I participated in that and now I still run with Brian to this day. Well that ends my story of what sports I do! Gotta go! Ms. McPheeters, don't forget to post the play performance songs!
I like soccer because you could run a lot and score. It is also easy and fun. That is why I like soccer.
I don't have a favorite sport but I have three nominees soccer, basketball, and flag football. I like flag football because the different plays are fun to do. I also like playing the game. I like basket because it takes a lot of teamwork like soccer. I also like it and soccer because I like shooting hoops and scoring goals.
My two favorite sports are baseball and basketball. In baseball i get to play on a team which makes the experience even better. When playing baseball my favorite thing to do is to field the baseball. Also, its always fun to get bat. The best part of batting this year is that I got a new bat. Basketball is one of my best sports. I love it so much because you can do all kind of things in a game. But my favorite part is the shooting. I practice shooting almost every day in my backyard.
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