Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Carolyn's Post

By: Carolyn

Do any of you out there have pets? What pets are they? What can your dream pets or actual pets do? If you don't have a pet than what pet would you like to have?
I have a hamster and two cats. My cats can't do much but sit in the sun and sleep. My hamster is a different story. He can do so many tricks that I can't keep track. Tell me what your pets can do?


Anonymous said...

I don't have any pets but I wish to have a dog to protect our house fromrobbers or theives. I also wish to have a turtle so I can play with him.(I can also play with the dog.)

Anonymous said...

The dog I would like to have would be a golden retriever or a labrador retriever(just like Cody)!! I once searched about golden retriever and found out that a golden retriever that was loyal to it's owner saved him!! You know how dogs are really good swimmers, I think that is how the golden retriever saved their owner's life from drowning!!! =P

Anonymous said...

I have a hamster and two fish. Most of the time my fish just swim around in their tank, but my hamster can do many things. One time I built a maze to let my hamster run through it and her best time was 10 seconds. She also can climb all the way to the top of her cage, but then she falls down and tries it again. If you get two paper towel tubes and put a sunflower seed in one, she will knock down the one with the sunflower seed to eat it. That is what my hamster can do.

Anonymous said...

I would like to have dog because they can be very loyal to you. They can also do cool tricks if you train them well. Dogs can swim so taking it to the beach would fun to play in the waves with. Going to the park would be great to play catch or just chasing the dog. All in all, it would be great to have a dog.


Anonymous said...

If I could have a pet, I would also want a dog. Dogs are loyal and the are a man's best friend. So if I am ever bored, I can always play with my dog. The type of dog I would like is a golden labardor. They are convinient because they don't have much fur so you don't have to try ver very hard to get the fur off somthing.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any pets but I want to get fish.I want to get fish because they are the easiest pet to take care of. All you do if feed them and clean their tank. The bad part is that there are no pets aloud in the house I live in so I have to wait till we move.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a pet but I really like to take of fish because they don't bark at you and they don't make a big mess. Also, I am trying to buy some fish andall the stuff to keep them alive like a fish tank and food for the fish. My second choice would be a hamster the reason why I would get a hamster is because they are really cute and it's not that hard to take care of the hamster but I might need to do little bit of research because I don't know much about them.

Anonymous said...

I have two pets. One is a 18-year-old cat named Shirin, which means cute in Turkish. She was around before I was even born. Her breed is a torturous-shell American Short-Hair and is gray with tan, black, white, and brown spots. She loves attention, except when she is sleeping. The other is a guinea pig named Mavis. Her name is spell exactly like the Turkish way to say bluish, but it is pronounced Mavish (mah-vish). You all probably know her as Mr. Hodges' old class pet. When I was in 3rd grade, he gave her to me because I proved to be responsible and know how to deal with guinea pigs (I made a huge double-sided poster about how to care for a guinea pig). I don't know what breed she is, but she is definitely a long-hair. She is white with brown and black stripes around her eyes. I used to have a black cat named Kirakiz, which means black girl in Turkish, who was also an American Short Hair. She died when she was 14, before we brought Mavis to our house. We miss her and had good memories with her. She died of her 3rd heart attack. The first two she lived through, but the 3rd she died.

Kimberly said...

I have two gold fish. One fish is named Scarlet and one is named Jewel. They really can't do anything. They just swim in the water come up to the surface when I put flakes of fish food in tank. I want a dog or a guinea pig when I get older, but I don't know what kind of dog I would like.