Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jasmine's Post

Middle School
By: Jasmine

We all have to go to middle school sometime, but when you think about going, how does it make you feel? When I think of middle school, I get nervous. When you go there, it might not be so bad. I think it will be fun because I already have in mind what electives I want. I have a sister who is in middle school, and she tells me a lot about it. I think middle school will be fun.

When you think about going to middle school, how does it make you feel?


Anonymous said...

It doesn't actually make me feel nervous since I saw the amount of homework my sister gets when she was in middle school and I am used to that amount of homework that
6th graders get. I also know what language I'm taking so I don't have to worry about that. I am going to take French, since I heard from my sister that French class is pretty fun and the teacher also sometimes brings you Frech food. The only two things I'm worried about in middle school is that you have to do a bunch of projects and speeches and stuff. For the speeches you have to work and school and I don't think that you can work on it at home. The other thing I'm worried about is that you have a quiz, a pop quiz, or test every week. So that is pretty annoying since you have to study a lot.

Anonymous said...

When I think about middle school, I think it is fun and sad. I think it is fun because they sometimes get to have parties. Then again, I think it is sad because the homework is harder and you get more homework.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I will feel very nervous because if I ever need help, my sister is there to help me since she is in high school now. I think I would feel kind of annoyed with the homework load that we might get. But you never know. Maybe when I am a 6th grader, they will lower the homework loading. However, just like Brandon C, I am worried about some test or something like a pop quiz. I really hope I can do good but I am really not that type of the person that would study for ten hours for a quiz. I probably would just study for around two or three hours and call it done. I know that if I study for 10 hours, I would get very tired and stressed. Another thing that that I am worried about is if a lot of my friends will not be going to the same middle school as me. Then I will have to start all over again just like first grade and make friends all over again. That wouldn't be too good. I would probably prefer having a few of my old friends and some new ones as well. Then while I am making new friends, I can still pplay with my old friends. The person I wish to get into my middle school the most is Ishan since he is my best friend.

Anonymous said...

I just went to a middle school open house at Hyde and it didn't seem so bad. The teachers there greeted us very nicely. Before I went to the open house I was excited because the thought of being older and going to a new school was making me jump.

Anonymous said...

I think that middle school will be part of both - hard and fun. I have many friends and family who are either in middle school or have been through middle school.So, I think I will have many good advices and supporters when I reach there in two years. I have heard from a friend that in the middle school I am going to, they play music in the middle of periods! How fun would that be!And,they don't have a cafeteria like we do, they have millions of food choices there.You can take hot lunch every day! No menu! But,on the other hand, middle school is harder and different from elementary in many ways. THey don't have plaugrounds or painted courts.AWW!!!!! Also, there is a lot of homework and tests.Also, some speeches and book reports.

P.S. I am going to Sam H.Lawson middle school. If your going there in 1-2 years, I will see you there!

Anonymous said...

Middle School is actually very fun, at least in Kennedy. We do a lot of fun activities. I'm a midle schooler and I know about it.

Anonymous said...

It does make me nervous because I don't know how much homework I will get. I also don't I everything will get harder. I am worried about how much pop quiz's I will get or will I get lot's of tests. I think it will be pretty annoying to study that much.

Anonymous said...

When I think about middle school I experience many different emotions. One is being unhappy, this would be because I will be going to a different middle school so I won't get to see them. I am also excited because you can have electives which I heard are REALLY fun!!! I am really disapointed in one thing though. Comparing my middle school to other people's middle school makes my middle school seem boring. I bet you though it is as fun as other middle schools!!!

Anonymous said...

When I think about middle school, I feel kind of sad but happy as well. I feel sad because I have to leave this school. I also feel happy because it means getting older and getting smarter.

Also, if I go to middle school it means more responsibilities which is a great way to show responsibility.

Anonymous said...

When I think of middle school, I fell that I might get a lot of homework. I know though that middle school is not all that hard sometimes. I am excited about it though. It will be a change fo all of the 5th graders. Having periods now will be soooo different. Hey how many people are going to Miller? (4th and 5th)

Anonymous said...

I think that Middle School will be fun!! Everything I've heard from Miller is AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm scared to go to middle school because I don't know how it'll be. My friend says that there are so many projects.When they start a project one day then the next day it's due.That's why I don't want to go to middle school.

Anonymous said...

I am a little bit frightened because I am going to Lawson and many of my friends are not going there. So I don't know if I will make any good friends. I also am slightly relieved because my older sister goes to Lawson and so far she says that most of the people are nice there. Also she usually finishes her homework at the Y. Since I have a sister I know pretty much a lot about middle school[Lawson]. Still I an kind of frightened because I might not have many friends.

Amulya (in India) said...

I don't think I am woried at all about middle school. Actually in a month,and wo weeks t be exact, I will be a sixth grader because our summer break has already started. Thats because here, in India everything runs differently. But I like the change. Now after one whole year I am starting to think I like India.

Back to topic:
Well I dont have to be afraid of middle school at all. That's because, our school, MERIDIAN, has grades Nursery to 12th, like most Indian schools. ( Nursery is kind of like Playschool ). So I will still have the same lunch hall, the same blacktop to play on, etc.
All I have to adjust to is the making new friends part which,for me, is pretty hard. For us we have a second language and a third one too. I guess I wont have to worry about projects and homework because it'll be almost the same as I had in 5th grade.