Monday, January 9, 2012

Rohan R.'s Post

Resolutions for the New Year
by Rohan R.

    Welcome to 2012!!! I bet you have many resolutions that you are wanting to accomplish, well here are some of mine.
My first one is to get better at soccer and basketball. To do that, I am going to try to practice three times every week. My second resolution is to advance to the state finals in Destination Imagination (DI). To achieve that, I’m going to work hard with my team. My final resolution is to do a better job in school.
Well those are my resolutions. Now that you have seen them, I bet you got a clear understanding of what you want.
New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, looking forward to the coming year. It's a time to reflect on the changes we want to make and to try to follow them.

The top resolutions for the new year are:

1. To spend more time with family and friends.
2. Get fit by doing your exercise regularly
3. Quit smoking
4. Enjoy life more
5. Don’t drink alcohol
6. Get out of debt
7. Learn something new
8. Help others
9. Get organized

Okay, so some of them aren’t meant for you to accomplish like to quit smoking and to stop drinking alcohol because you anyways aren’t allowed to smoke or drink, but for the rest of them, you can still use them as a resolution. Now that I think about it, what are your resolutions? How will you achieve them? These are the things that I will be waiting to see.


Shivani said...

Great post!
My resolution is to get better at swimming. How I will get better is by practicing. I go swimming every day for an hour.

Mayanjali said...

Hi Rohan, nice post! I do have a few resolutions and here they are.

1. I am going to improve in science.
2. I am going to do a little more exercising.
3. Work harder.

Those are some of my resolutions. I hope you achieve yours! Once again, awesome post!

Kelly M. said...

By December 31, 2012, I want to be able to aknowledge that I enjoy life more. Before reading your post, I didn't realized that it might be an important thing to try, but now that I think about it, what makes life great is the moments you enjoy, so why not enjoy all of them? I can work on this by looking at the bright side of every situation I come across, and recognizing the beauty in everything, no matter how ugly it appears. If I can achive this, I think it will make a big difference for the people around me and a positive influence on everyone around them.

Sana P. said...

Dear Rohan R. ,
My new year's resolutions are to study harder and staying focused. I might achieve them by doing five pages from my workbook. I also might achieve them by paying attention in class. Hope you had a great new year!

Morgan said...

Happy New Year to you to. Those are interesting resolutions. My resolutions are:

1. To become faster at typing by practicing almost everyday.
2. Become a better soccer player by playing everyday at school.
3. Make my cursive and print writing neater by writing slower and practicing about once a week.

Those are my resolutions for this year.