Thursday, January 26, 2012

Chinese New Year 
by Kleo

It is a special day for Chinese on Jan. 22nd. That date is Chinese New Year. Some families put up red signs to keep away bad spirits, and there is a story to come along with it:
    Every year, a monster will wake up to eat: people. One day, the monster was waking, and an old couple were losing hope to live. A young boy insisted that he would protect them, but they dismissed it.The boy found out that the monster only feared loud noises and the color red, so he covered their house with red paper.The monster came, and the couple was terrified, but the monster was as well. He saw the red paper, and he heard the loud crackle of the fire the boy was making. He ran away, to scared to come out of his home again.
                What to you think of this story? Do think it is true?


Umair P. said...

I'am not sure. Maybe dragons were real, and we just hadn't seen them. It is very mysterious. Nice Post!

Sana P. said...

Dear Kleo,
I believe the story of the monster and just today I was giving red envelops to my daycare teachers. It was really fun. How did you like your Chinese new year? Mine as I said, was great! Liked your blog!

Rohan I. said...

Dear Kleo,

I think the story is cool, but not real. I don't believe the story because dragons are a made-up character. What animal represents the year of 1984. ( LeBron James's birth year) Overall, great post!

- Rohan I.

Shivani said...

Hi Kleo,
Great post! I don't think that this story was true because I don't think that dragons are real. The story sounds
Iike a fairy tale to me.
- Shivani

Jamie said...

I think that the legend is cool but I don't think that it is real. The stories were probably made up so the farmers working in the fields could have a day's rest, though. Great post, Kleo.

Cody said...

I doubt this story is true, like who would believe such a silly thing. Everyone knows that monsters did not exist. The reason kids set firecrackers off is just for fun, not because that a monster is going to eat them. They put up red because they think red is a special color.

Mayanjali said...

No, I don't think it is true because dragons are mythical creatures and they don't exist. Nice post, though!

Rohan R said...

Good post. No, I don't think that the story is true because I am not a Chinese, and I don't think that monsters are real.However, monsters might be real but I don't think so.