Sunday, May 10, 2009

Nikita's Post

Mother's Day

On May 10, 2009 was Mother's day. I went to Vasona park. At Vasona park there is a lake, a stream with fish in it, ducks. Canadian geese, boats, kayaks, paddle boats, a train, and a playground. The lawns there are huge!!! Six families, including mine, went there for a mother's day picnic. Two families had dogs named Angel and Comet.I went kayaking there!!! It was my first time, so it was hard at first, but after a while I got the hang of it. I got so close to the geese and I saw two baby swans!! At the bottom of the stream there were shells, they were tiny , though. I collected, with a friend, about 20shells.After a while we had ice cream and the dogs wanted the ice cream. Angel was out of control, but Comet was a good boy and wasn't interested in the ice cream. The moms relaxed half the time. Over all we had a wonderful time.If there was nine kids, and each kid wanted ice cream that cost $2.50, then what is the total cost? What did you do on Mother's day? How did your mom react?


Ishan said...

On Mother's Day me and my family went to a restaurant. The restaurant was called: Chaat House. Overall, we had a pretty good time and my mom was also pretty happy when I gave her my mother's day gift.

Nikita said...

Hey Ishan I love that restaurant! I hope you, your mom, and the rest of your family had a great time.

Sarah 4 said...

On Mother's Day my family and I also went to a restaurant but was called Home Town Buffet. It was great but I went there lots of times. When I gave my mom the flowers we made in class and she was really happy and laughed, but I don't know why.