Thursday, May 14, 2009


While waiting for our experiments to finish evaporating, here are some activities that will challenge your inner Geologist! Let's see how much you can learn....


Omkar said...

The three things I learned were...

1. Mt. Rainier is the most dangerous mountain in North America.

2. Pencil Lead contains graphite.

3. Most of what is now Washington State was under an ocean 500 million years ago.

Nikhila said...

I learned a couple new facts from doing these activities.
1.Limestone is a sedimentary rock.
2.You can find minerals all around your house, even it your makeup and toothpaste.
3.Some foods actually have minerals in them. That means I have eaten minerals before.

rachel rabbit-_- said...

I learned that 1: Obsidian is an igneous rock, 2: the Blue Ridge Mountains are mannodknocks, 3:Pumice is an igneous rock.

Nidhi said...

I learned

1. Quartz makes up most of the dust in the air(that is why it is one of the most common minerals)
2. Silver is used in film development
3. Ice is a mineral

Ishan said...

First I learned that there is actually a rare kind of sandstone which can be shaped BY HAND!
Second, I learned that the heating of lightning striking the sand melts it causing it to form a rock fulgurite.
Third, rocks can be "recycled"!

Omkar said...

The three things I learned were...

1). Most of Washington was in the ocean 500,000,000 years ago.

2). Mt. Rainier is the most dangerous mountain in the U.S.A.

3). Pumice is an igneous rock.

Shreyas said...

I learned that

1. Pumice is an igneous rock.

2. Computer chips are made out of silicon.

3. Silver is used in film development.

NEERAJ said...

1. I learned that the igneous rock, obsidan, cools so fast that it doesn't contain the crstals that most igenous rocks do.

2. I learned that Pyrite is also called fake gold.

3. I learned that tourmalines are the most colorful gemstone,

Anshul said...

These are the three things I learned

1. Granite is an igneous rock.

2. Crystals appear when lava from a volcano cools slowly.

3. A computer chip is made out of silicon.

Jeffrey S. said...

The three thing I learned were..

1. I did not know that scoria was a igneous rock.

2. I did not know that rock cycle was attributed to James Hutton.

3. I did not know that Tourmalines come in different colors.

Justin said...

Three of the things I learned were...

1. How rocks are formed and what process they go through.

2.Mt Rainer is the most dangerous volcano in the United States.

3. That 500,000,000 years ago Washington used to be under water.

Nandini said...

The three things I learned were...

1. The led of a pencil contains graphite and that metalic looking part contains bauxite.

2. Obsidian rocks are actually glass.

3. Pumice is an igneous rock.

Kedar said...

I learned...

1. Geodes are rocks that are plain on the inside but have beautiful crystals on the inside.

2. Geodes are formed inside bubbles of a volcanic rock. Dissolved minerals get into a hollow area and harden into and outer shell which creates the geode. The minerals continue to form on the inside walls of the shell.

3. It can take hundreds of millions of years for the space inside of a geode to be filled.

Meryem said...

Three, out of the many facts I learned from these websites, were:

1.The metal part of a pencil that holds the eraser is actually bauxite, which is made from aluminum. I used to think that it was steel.

2.That a type of igneous rock called pumice can float. I didn't think any type rock could float.

3.Magma is made from igneous and/or metamorphic rock. I thought magma made igneous rock and that's it.

Brian Tung said...

Three things that i learned includes:

#1: If the rock has many air bubbles on it, the rock can float on top of water.

#2: Fossils are imbedded in sedimentary rocks.

#3: The Earth's core is made of solid metal.

Ria said...

Three things that I learned are

1. First that sedimentary rocks like limestone cannot float in water.

2.The crinoid fossil looks like the sea lily and they are closely alike, they both kind of have the same type of body.

3. I also learned that ice can be a mineral because snowflakes always have 5 point symmetry and also the ice has crystals and that it matches all the characteristics for it to be a mineral.

sarah5 said...

Facts I learned:

1.Granite forms when magma cools slowly.

2.A mineral needs to be natural, inorganic, solid, needs to be a crystal, and needs to be made from the same ingredients.

3.When magma is cooled quickly, it creates obsidian.

Brandon C. said...

The first thing that I learned from doing these activities is that ice is a mineral. The second thing I learned was Arizona has a lot of bauxite. Last, the last thing I learned is pumice can float in water.

Shivani ( Rocks Rock!!!) said...

Here are the three things that i learned:

1) Ice is a mineral, but water isn't.

2)Metamorphism is when rocks are moved downhill.

3)Basalt and Granite are both igneous rocks.

Rujuta M. said...

The three things that I learned from these sites were...
1. Washington state was under a ocean 500 million years ago. Less than 1/4 of it was showing that time.
2. Silver is use to develop film.
3. Rocks can turn into each other, for example a igneous rock can turn into a sedimentary rock if the weather and erosion makes it a sediment and then the compacting and cementing turns it into a sedimentary rock. Though a process like this, rocks will change over a long period of time.

shreya Neogi said...

I learned these three new facts:

1.Mirror is made out of quartz

2.Tourmalines has a lot of color

3.Quartz is in your dishwasher.

Malini said...

The three tings I learned were...

1. The three different types of rocks (igneous, metamorphic, and Sedimentary)and how they are formed; the rock cycle.

2. One useful fact I learned was that a pencil is made out of many thuings I didn't know about, like graphit or bauxute.

3. Finally, I learned about how Washington was formed in 500,000,000 years! It's like how the land that Ms.Mcpheeters school was on, in North Carolina; it was all under ocean before.

I learned so much from these websitees.

Neil said...

1. I learned that a igneous rock can be turned into a metamorphic rock by the heat and pressure it takes in.

2. I learned that graphite is used in pencil led. Graphite is also a conductor of electricity, unlike other minerals.

3. I learned that if I want to know if the rock or mineral is a mineral it has to be five things. The first one is that it has to be from a natural environment. The second one is that it must be solid. The third one is that it must be a crystal rock. That means it must contain crystals. The next one is that the mineral must be made up of ONE ingredient. The last thing is that it must be inorganic. That means it can not be living.

Nikita said...

These are three facts I learned from most of the links you put up.

1. Geodes form when an air bubble inside a volcanic rock forms.

2. Sandstone is a sedimentry rock that is mainly made from sand, in weathering debris.

3. Last but not least, most of Earth's important iron ore is found in sedimentry rocks.

Sarah 4 said...

These are three things I learned from the websites. Igneous rock was formed by lava. Heat and pressure make an Igneous rock to a Metamorphic rock. The last one I learned is a mineral has to be solid.

kaelyn said...

The three things that I learned are...
1. Quartz is made out of mostly dust in the air.

2. Many foods contain minerals in them.

3. Limestone and Sandstone are some of the sedimentry rocks.

Jonathan said...

The three things I learned were...

1. Limestone is a sedimentary rock.

2. Ice is a mineral.

3. Rocks can be recycled and turned into a different rock.

Wesley said...

The three things I learned were......

1. Metamorphic rocks can turn into other rocks like sedimentary rocks.

2.Marble is metamorphic.

3.Mt. Rainer is the most dangerous mountain in the world.

Richard said...

The three things I learned were......

1. Someone else can own the minerals under your land.

2. Minerals are found all over the house.

3. Mount Ranier is the most dangerous mountain in North America.

Akshara A. said...

These are some new facts I learned:

1. The lead in a pencil is made of graphite.

2. Calcite has a chemical reaction with acid.

3. If you break a geode in half, you will see a crystal inside.

Aditya said...

I learned a lot from the activities we did.

1. Pumice is an igneous rock.

2. Pencil lead contains bauxite.

3. The Blue Ridge Mountains are mannodknocks.

Rasika said...

Three things I learned from these activities were

1.Graphite is pencil led.

2.Rock salt is a sedimentary rock.

3.Coal is a sedimentary rock.

Shoumil said...

The three things I learned are...

1.pumice is a igneous rock which means it is formed by a volcano.

2.Washington was ocean 500,000,000,000 years ago.

3.there is a rock called quartzite.

Auboni said...

1 thing I larned was that sedementary rocks and igneous rocks change from the pressure which starts to heat up.2nd thing is thaat the most common geodes are limestone. And last I learned that igneos rocks can be made from when a volcano explodes.

Pallavi N said...

The three things I learned were that:

1. Lead in a pencil is made out of a rock called graphite.

2. The metal-ish stuff on the end of a pencil is a rock called Bauxite.

3. Washington only started to become a state only 160 million years ago.

Mihir said...

Three things I learned were: 1. Ice is a mineral! 2. Granite can form inside the Earth as well as on volcano and mountainsides. 3. Limestone is sedimentary.

Devika said...

These are the three things I learned.......................

1.Ice is a mineral because it meets the five characteristics that minerals need to have in order to be a mineral.

2.That Limestone is a sedimentary rock.

3.The lead in a pencil has Graphite in it.

Rupa Ganesh said...

The three things I learned were...

1. silver is used in film development

2. Most of the current Washington Was underwater 500 million years ago.

3. Minerals can be found in places you would never expect them in like your makeup.

Kaytlin said...

Three things I learned were:
1. Pumice is an igneous rock.
2. Gneiss is a metamorphic rock.
3. Silver was used in film development.

Bhavana P. said...

I learned three really interesting facts and they are:

1. A pencil lead has graphite in it.

2. Ice is a mineral.

3. Household item are minerals like beds or mirror.

I think it is cool that you eat minerals, write with a mineral, and sleep on mineral!!!!

dilip said...

I learned three things in the blog are that

1.metamorphic rocks are rocks that change. is a type of mineral.

3.Mount St. Helens is an active volcano.

Soraya said...

These are the three things that I learned:

1.A watch contains quartz

2.A trash can contains hematite

3. Diamond is the hardest mineral

Jasmine said...

The three things I learned were...

1. Lead has graphite in it.

2. Obsidian is an igneous rock.

3. Quartz is not rare.

raymond said...

Here are the three things I learned.

1. Metamorphic and sedimentary rocks can't float on water.

2. Only igneous rocks float on water.

3.Preparing a fossil takes many ours of work

Sanjana said...

I learned a couple cool things from these activities. Here are a few of the things I learned.

1. The metal part of a pencil is bauxite.

2. Most of what is now Washington State was under an ocean 500 million years ago.

3. Ice is a mineral.

Brandon E. said...

The Three Things I have learned from the sites were....

1. The Lead inside the pencil is graphite and the metal part is Bauxite.

2. Also, I never Knew ice was a type of mineral.

3. I also learned that conglomerate is a sedimentary rock.

Rebecca Radle said...

I learned three things :

1. limestone is a sedimentry rock

2. pumice is an igneous rock

3. geodes can get as big as boulders

The one and only William said...

The three things I learned was....

1. That you make crystals at home.

2. Minerals are often found in California's water.

3.Mt Rainier is one of the most dangerous mountain in all of North America.