Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chapter 5

Why is the title of this chapter, "The Giant Killers," so appropriate? Give two different reasons why. You MUST be specific in your answers. Two sentences is NOT enough. ;0)

Finally, with one or two classmates, prepare a skit for one of the following scenes from the chapter: May Belle brags about her Twinkies and then has them stolen; the "council of war"; or putting the plan into action. Use the book to help with details and dialogue. You will perform these skits on Wednesday.


Akshara A. said...

1. Jess and Leslie thought Janice Avery was a giant because she was big, powerful, and mean. An example is when Janice Avery steals May Belle's Twinkies (a type of doughnut).
2. Jess also thought he would rather fight Godzilla (a fire breathing giant) than Janice Avery. That's why Jess and Leslie tried to "kill" or make Janice Avery in trouble by sending a love letter to her and writing that it was from Willard Hughes.

Kedar said...

The title, "The Giant Killers" is appropriate, because during the chapter, Jess and Leslie make a plan to get revenge on Janice Avery. Janice is the giant, and they are the giant killers. Another reason this title is appropriate is because their plan is to put a love note that they wrote in Janice's desk and say it is from Willard Hughes. Willard Hughes is a boy that every girl likes. They wrote in that note to not tell anybody about their love so that Janice would tell everybody. This way, when everybody finds out that Willard doesn't really like Janice, she will be embarrassed. Her reputation will be "killed" by Jess and Leslie therefore making the title "The Giant Killers" appropriate.

Anshul said...

I think the title of Chapter 5 in Bridge to Terabithia is appropriate because it talks about Leslie telling stories about giants. These stories were about giants who threatened the peace of Terabithia. They both new it wasn't true. My second reason is because Janice Avery was their real giant in their life. I know this beacause it said in the book that Jess would rather fight Godzilla than Janice Avery. I think it says killers because in Chapter 5, it says that her friends were also real bullies. Her friends are Wilma Dean and Bobby Sue Henshaw.

Sarah 4 said...

The title "The Giant Killers" is so appropiate for the chapter because Janice Avery was basically a killer. Janice Avery was a killer because when May Belle brags about her Twinkies her dad bought from Washington she suddenly had them stolen. It was stolen from Janice Avery so Jess and Leslie wanted to get her back with a fake love letter to make her look like a fool and she will be embarassed. It was a dangerous job to do because if she found out then they would be beaten up really badly. I know this because the book says that Jess would rather fight Godzilla than Janice, which means she's really dangerous. When they wrote the love letter, they pretended that they were Willard Hughes because every girl likes him and is completely attached to him. I bet when Willard Hughes passes by her she has butterflies in her stomach. Janice Avery is also a killer because she always bullies little kids and always thinks she is the best of every thing like Gary Fulcher, but Janice is a little bit more dangerous.

Devika said...

I think that the title of chapter five, "The Giant Killers", is so appropriate becuase Janice Avery is like the killer becuse she stole Maybelle's Twinkies.Also, because she is the school bully.She teases and phisically hurts people.Everyone is scared of her and let her have what she wants so she won't hurt them.Like on the school bs, whenever Janice Avery comes and moves to where she wants to sit, if anybody is sitting there, then they immediately and without told to, move away.
The giant killers could have also been Jess and Laslie becuase they wrote the love letter to get revenge for Maybelle.Since they signeds the letter from Williard Hughes, and put it in her desk, Janice did not know it when she got the message.So, since they palyed a prnak on Janice Avery, the were the giant killers of the school bully.

Nikita said...

The Giant Killers is an appropriate name for this title because this chapter is mostley about how Leslie and Jess get revenge on a big bully, Janice Avery for stealing May Belle"s twinkies. So, since Jess and Leslie are taking revenge they would be known as "The Giant Killers" because they were the ones to plant the note, and the ones to write it.

Also, the title could be adressing Wilma and Janice as "The Giant Killers" because at the end end of this chapter, both Wilma and Janice were infuriated. Janice was much more, the book shows that Janice was really, really angry by saying "The next day Janice Avery stomped onto the bus, her eyes daring everyone in sight to say a word." All in all, these are two reasons why "The Giant Killers" is an appropriate name for this chapter.

Justin said...

One reason of why the title "The Giant Killers" is appropriate might be because in this chapter Janice Avery and her friends steal May Belle's Twinkies. Also, they said in the beginning that the real giant in Jess and Leslie's life was Janice Avery. Another reason why "The Giant Killers" is appropriate might be because they got revenge on Janice Avery. Since, in the beginning it said that Janice Avery was the giant in Jess and Leslie"s life, and it might be like their saying they killed Janice Avery by getting revenge.

Brian said...

I think it is appropriate because there is Janice Avery. She is a big bully that picks on kids in younger grades and in her grade. Although she is very tough and strong, she cannot stand being made a fool of. Therefore, Leslie and Jess made a love letter saying that Willard likes her. However, she got embarrassed when whe finds out that Willard didn't send a love letter to her. Another reason why "The Giant Killers" is a good tittle of this chapter is because Leslie loves to tell stories about giants that threatened the peace of Terabithia but the real giant in their lives is Janice Avery.

Brandon C. said...

The title for chapter five, that was the Giand Killers is appropriate for these reasons. First, the book might be saying that Janice is the Giant because she is very mean and that if she finds out that Jess and Leslie wrote the love letter and tricked her, then she might kill them. Second, since it said Giant Killers can also mean that Jess and Leslie wrote the letter to Janice and it might mean that Jess and Leslie are trying to kill Janice.

Rujuta said...

The title "The Giant Killers" is an appropriate name for this chapter for two reasons. First, Janice Avery is a a bully and is really big and powerful because Jess said that he would rather fight godzilla, a big fire breathing monster, than fight Janice Avery. Janice Avery is a person who also smokes and steals money. Second, when May Belle brags about her Twinkies in the bus Janice Avery took them and if anyone dares to tell on her she will definitely get that person. Jess and Leslie then decide to embaress Janice Avery by writing a love letter from the boy who she likes.

Jeffrey S. said...

The title of chapter 5 The Giant Killers is appropriate for the chapter because Janice Avery and her friends ,Wilma Dean and Bobby Sue Henshaw, were like giants To Jess and Leslie because they were so tall and were really mean bully's and they were almost like a Giant Killers. Another reason this title is appropriate because Jess said that he rather fight Godzilla (a fire breathing monster) instead of fighting Janice Avery. Jess said when May Belle wanted revenge on Janice Avery when Janice Avery stole her Twinkies.

NEil said...

The title "The Giant Killers" is SO appropriate for this chapter because Janice Avery is such a big bully. Janice
bullies little girls playing jump rope and a lot more. After Janice Avery stole May Belle's twinkles May Belle tells Jess to KILL Janice Avery. Jess and Leslie plot against her. This shows how big of a person (or creature) Janice Avery is.

Shoumil said...

I think this title is appropriate because in the book it says, But they both new who the real giant in there lives was Janice Avery. The title is the Giant Killers because Janice Avery and her friends are big like her which means they are giant and they are bullies which means they are Killers.

Carolyn said...

I think that the chapter "The Giant Killers," is a good title because Jess and Leslie are going to feel like killers when they are getting revenge on Janice Avery. They are going to do this and make her feel bad or embarrassed about herself which is what she hates the most. They are going to do this by putting a love letter from the most popular guy at school ( who Janice Avery likes) as a prank and she will tell all of her friends. When she finds out that the note wasn't true she might also become a Giant Killer.

Parker said...

1. Janice Avery is the biggest kid at school. She is also the biggest bully at school.
2. Janice also has friends that help her bully other people, and they are almost as tall as her.
That is why the title of chapter 5 is "The Giant Killers".

Rasika said...

Reason 1:"The Giant Killers" is so appropiate because its like Janice Avery was a Giant Killer to May Belle, Jess, and Leslie.

Reason 2:"The Giant Killers" is appropriate as the title of the chapter because it's like Jess has to fight a Giant Killer.

Ria said...

The Giant Killers is appropriate for this chapter for one reason is because when May Belle's twinkies got stolen by Janice Avery, May Belle wanted Jess to beat her up.Then Jess said that he would rather fight Godzilla than Janice Avery.

Another reason is because right at the beginning of the chapter it said something about how Leslie liked to make stories about giants that threatened the peace of Terabithia. After that it also said that they both new the real giant was Janice Avery and her two friends who were Wilma Dean and Bobby Sue Henshaw.

Those are two reasons why The Giant Killers is so appropriate for the name of this chapter.

Alicia said...

I think the Giant Killers is appriate because Maybelle bragged about her twinkies. Jess warned her but Maybelle ignored him. Since maybelle's twinkies were stolen, maybelle wanted Jess to beat Janice Avery. Jess said he would rather fight Godzilla than Janice Avery.Jess and Leslie come up a idea about writing a love note. I think Janice Avery is the Giant Killer.

sarah5 said...

The first reason why I think that the title of this chapter Giant Killers is appropriate because it talks about a bully, which I think is the giant killer. The name of the bully is Janice Avery. She is a bully because she takes lunch money and steal other student's lunches of snacks. The second reason is because once, the sister of Jess, May Belle, told everyone on the bus about her Twinkies that her father brought her from Washington. (Janice Avery was on the bus too.) Later at recess time, Janice Avery took May Belle's Twinkies. Then when May Belle wanted revenge, she asked Jess to fight Janice Avery. Leslie suggested that they pull a dangerous prank instead and Jess eagerly agreed. This shows that Jess would do anything than fight Janice Avery and get in trouble. So she is like a giant killer by being older and bullying younger kids.

Jasmine said...

Why I think the name 'Giant Killers' is so appropriate for this chapter is because this is when they are trying to get revenge on Janice Avery. To them, Janice Avery is like a giant so they were trying to get back at her, like killing.

Neeraj said...

One reason why giant killers is a appropriate name for the chapter is because the giant part is a girl Janice Very. She is nicknamed that because she is a bully that is really big. She is so big that Jess said that he rather fight Godzilla than Janice and Godzilla is a fire breathing gorilla. Also she takes kids milk money and even smokes in the bathroom. The killer part is form when Janice steals May Bell's Twinkies and then Jess and Leslie hatch a plan to embarrass Janice. They are the killers because their plan worked. so they basically killed Janice in a way that she will be embarrassed. Jess planted a love letter in Janice's desk. The letter is from a boy all girls like. Janice tells everyone and then Willard, the boy, turns her down and embarrasses Janice.

The second reason why the chapter name is appropriate is because when the council of war was over they both, Leslie and Jess, went out to fight giants. They said that they were tired of Janice and went to fight the giants.

Nandini said...

1st reason: On page 61 it said that "Leslie like to make up stories up giants that threatened Terabithia, but they both knew that the real giant in their lives was Janice Avery" That proves that both of them think that Janice Avery is really tough and has the same traits as the giant. That is why I think that Katherine Paterson used the word Giant. The reason I think that she used the word killers is because mostly everyone is afraid of Janice at school and since Jess said he'd rather fight Godzilla than fight Janice Avery. So to sum things up The Giant Killers might be relevant to something like "Janice the Powerful"...... or something like that. ;()

2nd reason: Another reason why the chapter may be called "The Giant Killers" might be like cool/fancy way to say that the Giant Killer Prank. The Giant Prank referring to Jess's and Leslie's Prank on Janice Avery. Saying that this chapter is going to be about revenge!!!!

Malini said...

I think this title is relevant because it describes what happens in the chapter in a more descriptive way.

Part of the title, "giant", describes how mean Janice Avery is. She bullies all the younger kids in her school. This includes May belle, Jesse, and Leslie. I also know that the author is referring to Janice as the "giant" because Jesse said he would rather fight Godzilla than fight Janice when she stole May belle’s Twinkies. That shows that he is REALLY scared of Janice because Godzilla is a big, scary monster and he would rather fight it than fight a seventh grade girl.

The "killer" part of the title isn't literally killing, but it relates to what it refers to. We know that Janice is the "giant", so who "kills" the giant, Jesse and Leslie. In this chapter Jesse and Leslie create a plan to give Janice a taste of her own medicine, revenge. They create a love letter to her from Willard Hughes, a boy she likes, and hide it in her desk. When she gets it, she reads that it says that he will walk her home from school. Instead, when she catches up with him after school, she gets humiliated. We know that she got humiliated because the author wrote that when she boarded the bus her face was red and puffed up. That's how Jesse and Leslie "killed" the "giant".

As you can see "Giant Killers" is a very relevant title for chapter five of Bridge to Terabithia.

Meryem said...

Chapter 5 of Bridge to Terbithia is called The Giant Killers because:

1. Leslie and Jess make up a plan to dispose of a giant in there lives, which probably refers to Janice Avery. I know this because when May Bell was yelling at Jess to make Janice Avery give her Twinkies back by fighting her, he thought that he would rather fight Mrs. Godzilla herself and when May Bell caught his soft spot, Jess thought he would have to fight the female gorilla. Both of those animals can count as giants. If somebody would rather fight a monster then her, then she must be pretty awful bully. After they got a plan ready, they made it from mind to life.

2. Another reason why this chapter is called The Giant Killers is because after Leslie and Jesse dispatched their plan, which was writing a fake love letter from the boy Janice Avery has a crush on, they had gotten their revenge and then, to them, their "giant" was counted dead to them and probably won't bother them as much anymore. She probably won't bother them anymore because after being tricked right into the plan, Janice must have felt pretty embarrassed and won't show her face for a while. That's just my prediction.If I were Janice Avery I'd stop teasing people because I'd know that someone only did that for revenge and I'd be very embarrassed, so embarrassed that I wouldn't show my face for a while.

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«·´¨*·.¸¸.Meryem .¸¸.·*¨`·»
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Kimberly said...

I think the title "The Giant Killers" is a good title because Janice Avery and her friends are basically the giant killer by being rude and mean to all the younger kids in her school. This is also a good title because Jess and Leslie are a little bit like little giant killers by humiliating Janice in a secret way.

dilip said...

I think this title is appropriate because...

1. Janice Avery acted like a giant to Jess, Leslie, and May Belle by being powerful, mean, and undefeatable.A way she acted like a giant is when she stole May Belle's Twinkies.

2. Jess and Leslie sent a fake love letter from Willard Hughes to Janice Avery and that is the way Jess and Leslie "killed" Janice Avery(or the Giant).