Monday, May 11, 2009

Due by Thursday!

Bridge To Terabithia
Chapter 3 Questions

Be as specific as possible in your answers and make sure to use examples from the book to help "prove" your point. Answer ALL 3 questions in your response. Do not read other comments until you have answered; that way you can be sure to use your own ideas.

Question #1: Several secondary characters are introduced in this chapter. Choose one of them and give adjectives or descriptive phrases that tell about the character.

Questions #2: Why does the word "beautiful" come to mind at the end of this chapter?

Question #3: Based on the outcome of the races and other events of the first day of school, what do you predict will happen with Jess' and Leslie's relationship? Support your prediction with information from the chapter.


Akshara said...

1. Gary Fulcher - Bossy, vain, thinks he is the best, pretends he is a king so he wants everybody to follow his orders.

2. Jess thought that running really fast was Leslie's nature, and it reminded him of the flight of wild ducks in the autumn.

3. I predict that Jess will become friends with Leslie. I think this because when she was running to her house, the word "beautiful" came to Jess's mind. Also, I think nobody will tease Leslie anymore. In fact, I think people will start respecting her because she is so fast.

Anshul said...

1. I would describe Gary Fulcher, a fifth grader, as bossy. In the book it said that he was always telling other people what to do. For example he chose who the ones, twos, threes, and fours were. I also think he is a person who cares too much about gender because he didn't let Leslie Burke join the running race.

2. Her running was very graceful as nature.

3. I predict that Jess will become friends with Leslie because he seems like a nice boy. I feel that even though he is a fast runner, they will tease him because they think Leslie is weird.

Neil said...

1. Fulcher is very bossy. He is very mean. He only picks his best friends if they are too young to play.

2. It seemed to be that her running was her nature, because she was graceful.

3. Leslie likes him already. I think that they will start to play together after their chores. I also think that Jess's sisters will tease him. I think that Jess will run with Leslie after their chores.

Neeraj said...

Gregg Fulcher was a secondary character in this chapter. He is a mean and bossy fifth grader that tries to act like last years Wayne Petis. Wayne Petis was the fifth grader last year who was in charge of the races. Fulcher also doesn't let and first through third graders run in the race, but he instead lets only three third graders since they are his favorites. Lastly, he thinks that he can say if someone wins a tie.

The word beautiful came to Jess's mind when Leslie was running. He thought that it was her nature to run and she was running so smoothly that that certain word came to his mind. Last but not least Jess relates her to the beautiful flying of the wild ducks flying in autumn.

I think that Jess's and Leslie will not become friends. One reason is that Jess always tries to avioid Leslie. One time was when Leslie followed him to the classroom, but he tried to run faster. Another time was when Jess didn't want to sit next to Leslie on the bus so he sat next to May Belle.

Kedar said...

Answer#1: One character introduced in this chapter was Gary Fulcher. I would describe Gary as rude and bossy, because when it was time to race, Gary wouldn't let anyone in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grades race except for some of his favorite people. He also didn't want to let Leslie race because she was a girl.

Answer#2: The word beautiful came to mind when Jess watched Leslie run. He thought that she ran as if it were her nature, and she reminded him of the flight of wild ducks in the autumn.

Answer#3: I think that Leslie might become Jess' friend because she was the only one who beat him in his heat so he might want to become friends with someone as fast as him. Jess also stood up for Leslie. One example of this was when Gary said that Leslie couldn't race but Jess argued with him so Gary had to let Leslie race. It also seems like Leslie wants to become friends with Jess because she tries to talk with him and be friendly.

Devika said...

Question #1- I think Gary Fulcher was being bossy to Jesse and the other children.He was trying to be that year's Wayne Pettis.One of the places he was being bossy is when he told the younger children that there were not any first, second, or third graders aloud to race.Also, when he their was a fight about who won- Jimmy Mitchell or Clyde Deal.He thought that once he made his choice that was the answer.
Question #2- Maybe Jesse thought that the way she ran was beautiful becuase it says in the book that he thought she ran like it was her nature.It reminded Jesse of the flight of wld ducks in the autumn.That would be really beautiful.
Question #3- I predict that the friendship of Jesse and Leslie will slowly start getting stronger because Jesse was not afraid to as Leslie to run at recess, and maybe the more he tries to avoid her, the more colser they will get, but very slowly.Also, when Gary Fulcher told Leslie she could not race with them anymore, Jess stood up to Fulchre and said "Whatsa matter,""Scared to race her?"


sarah said...

Question #1: A secondary character introduced in chapter three is Gary Fulcher. He thinks he is the leader of the boys' running group. He has favorites because Fulcher only lets certain people go in the race. Everything was his way, even who won.
Question #2: the word "beautiful" came at the end because the author compared how Leslie ran to a flight of wild ducks in the fall.
Question #3: I think that Jess will break up with Leslie because he was jealous that Leslie won and he didn’t. He was extra mad because he had been waiting all summer and practicing all summer to win the race but he didn't. I think he also wanted to show Gary Fulcher that he was the best because Gary Fulcher always acted like he was the best.

Pallavi N. said...

Question #1:
Gary Fulcher- He is a bossy guy who acts as if he is the best and the other people are not good at anything. He also picks favorites. When he doesn't get things his own way, he has a grudge against doing that thing.

Question #2:
He is watching Leslie running to her house and he thinks it is like it is her nature to run then he is reminded how it is like wild ducks flying. Soon the word beautiful pops up into his mind.

I think they will eventually become friends. This is because he is always trying to ignore her but then he begins to support her. She thinks he is her friend. Here is a part of text to support this-
He heard her say "Jess" once, but the bus was noisy enough so that he could pretend that he had not heard him. She just took off running to the old Perkins Place.She ran as though it was her nature. It reminded him of the flight of wild ducks. So smooth.

Kimberly said...

Question#1: I will describe Leslie: Leslie is a very outgoing girl. She doesn't care about what people think of her. She is a plain girl. She probably doesn't have anything special or fancy. When she cannot do something, she keeps on trying. For example: When Fulture said she could not race she did not just go away and start crying or whining.

Question#2: It comes to Jess's mind because when he sees how graceful Leslie runs, it probably reminds him of something that is graceful and beautiful.

Question#3: Maybe Jess will start admiring about how fast she runs and try to make friends with her, not caring what the other kids in his class room think.

Parker said...

I think Jess is a very determined person because really wanted to win the race.

Jess is in love with his music teacher.

I think that they will become friends becuase Leslie is trying hard to make friends with Jess.

Nandini said...

1. I'm going to describe Gary Fulcher. Gary is super bossy and obnoxious. Here are some examples of how Gary was bossy and obnoxious: One way Gary was being obnoxious was when he caught Jess drawing he was trying to force Jess to show hime the picture even though Jess kept on refusing. One way Gary was being bossy was during lunch when they were racing he was telling everyone what to do. When there was a tie between Jimmy Mitchel and Clyde Deal Gary said Clyde won because he favored him.

2. I think when he thought "beautiful" He meant graceful. he thought of graceful because when she broke into a run, he thought it himself, it was smooth.

3. I think Jess might get annoyed because if she keeps on running then he will never have a chance to be a champion and he will lose his interest in running.

Malini said...

1. I'm going to describe May Belle. Maybelle is very interested in her brother; Jesse. May Belle is somebody who is really nice, but curious. She wants to know about everything that her brother does. An example is when Jesse got up early and she kept asking him questions like "Are you going to run". I said May Belle was nice because she asks questions so she can impress her brother, she looks up to Jesse. This what I think abut May Belle.

2. Jesse used "beautiful" to mean like how graceful Leslie ran, how she ran through nature in such a smooth nature. I know this because, in the book Jesse says himself that Leslie ran smoothly.

3. I think Leslie and Jesse are going to be friends because Jesse kept standing up for Leslie when Fulcher was picking on her. Even though she beat him in the heat, he kept thinking about her so I don't think he could avoid her.

Ria said...

1. The secondary character I chose to write about is Miss Edmunds. Jess is in love with her. She had long swishy hair. She also had blue eyes and she could play the guitar like a regular recording star and she had a soft floaty voice.

2. That word came to his mind because he said that Leslie reminded him of the flight of wild ducks in the autumn and he thinks autumn is beautiful and plus he was also kind of daydreaming.

3. Jess might get mad at Leslie for winning the races and Jess had practiced so much to be the fastest and now Leslie was taking his dream away from him. He also might tell Leslie how he feels and Leslie might let Jess win the races and their friendship will be better.

Rujuta M. said...

Question #1: Several secondary characters are introduced in this chapter. Choose one of them and give adjectives or descriptive phrases that tell about the character.

I would Describe Gary Fulcher as bossy because when the boys are getting ready to race, he acts like he is the most important which is not true. He also eliminates most of the first, second, and third graders from the racing and only lets the Bucher cousins and Timmy Vaughn from first, second, and third graders race with the 4th and 5th graders. This is unfair to the rest of the kids who want to run because he is choosing favorites and only letting them run the race.

Questions #2: Why does the word "beautiful" come to mind at the end of this chapter?

Beautiful comes to my mind at the end of this chapter because it is beautiful how Jess stands up for Leslie while they were racing. Jess also stands up to Fulcher with Leslies help.

Question #3: Based on the outcome of the races and other events of the first day of school, what do you predict will happen with Jess' and Leslie's relationship? Support your prediction with information from the chapter.

Based on how Jess stood up for Leslie, I predict that their relationship will become stronger. I think Leslie is ready to have him as her friend because she asks him if he had run yet. Also Jess stand up for Leslie when Fulcher tells her that she can’t run the finals because she is a girl, Jess says, “Scared to beat her?” to Fulcher which changes everything.

Meryem said...

Answer #1:
One of the secondary characters added into the story in Chapter 3 was Wanda Kay Moores. I would describe her as bossy, a perfectionist, and a bully. I would call her bossy because when Mary Lou Peoples was trying hard to be the second snottiest and Wanda's friend, instead she correct her and called her stupid. Not really a sign of friendship. I think then she was trying to keep her mark as the snottiest girl in their class. I think that she is a perfectionist because when Jesse slurped while drinking his milk, she turned around and said,"Jesse Aarons. That noise is repulsive." In our school, if somebody slurps while drinking or eating we don't care. I don't see what is wrong with it. A perfectionist is a person who wants everything to be perfect and fixes anything out of place. This is obviously what she was doing then. I also think that she is a bully because when Leslie was eating yogurt she was bullying her about how yucky it is.

Answer #2:
Because he said that she looked as if running was her nature. It also reminded him of the flight of wild ducks in the autumn. The image in my mind showed a girl running as if she was gliding on air, so smoothly. I think that is basically what he thought. All of these words fit into the vocab word "beautiful".

Answer #3:
I think at first it will be worse than before because that day he was supposed to be the fastest of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades, but instead Leslie won. That would be embarrassing,, insulting, and I think he may have felt a little jealous. I don't think that jealousy would be good with a friendship, but I guess the jealousy will pass because near the end he thinks the word beautiful and that's what a friendship is. Beautiful.

Shoumil said...

1. I would describe Gary Fulcher as bossy because he always gets pick the heats. He is also bossy because he said the 1st up to 3rd graders can't race. He only picks his 1st to 3rd grade friends in his heat.

2.He thought about how fast Leslie runs which reminded him of the wild ducks in autumn. He also thought it was leslie' s nature to run fast.

3.I predict Jess and Leslie will become close friends because Jess doesn't care that he is being teased that Leslie is his friend. Leslie was trying to make friends with Jess in the first place.

Nikita said...

1. I would describe Gary Fulcher as rude, bossy, and like he thinks everybody will do what he says.

2. The word beautiful comes up as Leslie is running. Jess thinks her running is smooth, like it's her nature. It also reminds him of the flight of the wild ducks in autumn.

3. As of all we know now, Jess might become friends with Leslie, because his nature is not to tease people like the others are. Because Leslie won the race, people might look up to her instead of Gary.

Carolyn said...

1. I would describe Gary Fulcher as bossy because he ordered that no 3 grades or below get to race. He also divided the races up so that he would get the hang of who was the weakest and who was stronger at running.
2.I think that Jess thinks of the word beautiful because he thinks that Leslie is pretty and that she is a good runner.
3. I think that the race events will make their relationship worse because he trained all summer for this and now his chances are ruined because he was beat by a girl. I think this might make other kids tease him and make fun of him because he was beat by a girl.

Rasika said...

1.I would describe Gary Fulcher as bossy and mean and he wants everyone to listen to only him.

2.The word beautiful comes to his mind beacause she is running through beautiful nature.

3.I think Jess and Leslie will become friends because Jess doesn't tease her and stands up for her.

Brandon C said...

1. The secondary character I would describe is Gary Fulcher. Gary Fulcher is very bossy and mean. For example, since a lot of kids wanted to be in the race he didn't let the younger kids run. Also, when Leslie Burke was running Gary didn't want her to run since she was a girl. Gary Fulcher is also acting like last year's Wayne Pettis, which was the fastest runner in the fourth and fifth grade.

2. Jess Aarons thought that Leslie Burke's running was "beautiful" since when she was running, it looked like she ran like it was her nature. So it reminded Jess of the flight of wild ducks in autumn.

3. I think Jess and Leslie will become friends because Leslie is already trying to be nice to Jess by introducing herself very nicely when they first met and then started talking to him. Also, I think they will become friends because when Gary didn't let Leslie run in the race Jess standed up to Gary and said "Whatsa the matter? Scared to race her?" and Leslie might have thought Jess was being nice to her.

Jeffrey S. said...

1. I would describe Gary Fulcher as a Bossy fifth grader. In the book it says that he bossed everyone around while he only lets his own friends win, even if they did not win.

2. The word beautiful came to his mind because Leslie running was as graceful as nature.

3. I think what will happen is that Jess maybe will start teasing Leslie because he is jealous that Leslie is such a fast runner and beat him. I also think that they will become friends at the same time because Leslie already likes Jess because that like the first person she met and Jess even helped her run in the races at school.

Justin said...

1. Gary Fulcher is a bossy and self-centered kid. He thinks he is the boss of everyone and thinks he can do anything he wants.

2.It turns up when Jess sees Leslie running back to her house and it reminded him of wild ducks in the autumn.

3. I think they will become closer because he always helped Leslie and even stood up to fulcher so she could run.

dilip said...

1.Gary Fulcher-mean,bossy,thinks he's the best,and is picky who he chooses when races happen.

2.Because he thought it was leslies nature and it reminded him of the flight of wild ducks in autumn.

3.I think thety will be friends because when Jesse was standing up to Fulcher,he challenged Fulcher to let Leslie race ,too, and she won so it let Jesse feel good standing up to Fulcher and Jesse might act more nice to Leslie.

Katherine said...

#1. I chose Gary Fulcher. He is very bossy, now that Wayne Pettis, is in 6th grade. Fulcher orders everyone which group (ones, twos, threes, fours) they are in. I would also describe him as a person that chooses favorites. For example, he said that all first, second, and third graders couldn't participate, but allows three to play, only because they are his favorites. Also, when two fourth graders had a tie, he chose Clyde Deal, not Jimmy Mitchell. He is
also a person that doesn't want to
be ashamed, or embarrassed. This
is because when Fulcher said that
Leslie couldn't participate, Jesse asked if Fulcher was scared of racing her, so Fulcher agreed that Leslie could participate, but grudgingly.

#2. I think that "beautiful" came to Jesse' mind because it said that her running was as graceful as nature and reminded him of the beautiful flying of the wild ducks in the autumn.

#3. I think that they will become friends because in the race, Fulcher said that Leslie couldn't participate, but Jesse stood up for her. They also have the same hobby: running, so they could run with each other and discuss. Leslie might ever train him to be like her. I also think that they will be friends because he also felt sorry for her when all the others were making fun of her. At the end of the chapter, Jesse described her running as beautiful, like nature.

Sarah 4 said...

1.Gary Fulcher is a type of bossy kid and is sort of a bully. He likes to boss people around probably because he thinks he runs really fast and can control everything. He also tried to be the boss like Wayne.

2.The word beautiful comes to mind at the end of this chapter because Jess saw that Leslie ran as though it was her nature. I it reminded Jess of the flight of wild ducks at autumn and was so smooth.

3.I think that Jess will become friends with Leslie because Jess stood up for her againest Fulcher. It also was because he was mad he didn't win, but I think he still wanted to support Leslie by saying that Fulcher was scared to run againest her. Leslie also said thanks to Jess for him standing up for her. On the bus Jess sat with Leslie. Even though people might tease Jess because others think Leslie's wierd, I think he will still stay as friends and care for each other.

Brian said...

Answer #1: Mrs. Myers is the teacher and she is a secondary character cause she does not come up too much in the chapter. She is the type of teacher that is only happy on the first and last day of school. The rest of the time, she is mean and strict. For example, the book said "On the last word, Mrs.Myers flashed her famous first-day-of-school smile".

Anwser #2: I think it comes up because the book said that it was like running was her nature and the movements were very smooth. I also think that the only reason she participated in the races is because at her old school, she liked to run races too.

Answer #3: I think that Jess might not treat Leslie very nice because all summer, he was practicing runining for this day but still didn't come in first. I think he was very dissapointed because he was very excited about the race and thought he would win but Leslie ended his hopes.

Alicia said...

1. Gary - show off, bragger, commander, he doesn't like being weaker than a girl so he races Leslie. Gary makes sure everyone is under his command.

2. Jesse thinks Leslie is beautiful because she runs like the wind.Her running is graceful.

3. I think they will become friends and rule bridge to terabithia. It said in the book
they didn't care if the other kids tease them when they were together. I had a strong feeling.