Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rohan I.'s Post

 The Spectacular Miami Heat
by: Rohan I.

As you guys all know, the Miami Heat are my favorite basketball team. Despite losing in the N.B.A (National basketball Association) Finals to win a championship, this team still has a very strong offense and defense.

 To make the Heat’s championship hopes higher, they acquired 2 time NBA All-Defensive second team guard, Shane Battier. Shane Battier is not only good at defense, his three point shooting from the right and left corner is remarkable. Making it into the All-Defensive team is really hard only the best defenders in the N.B.A can make it on the team. Unfortunately, Shane Battier made it to the second team, but that is still good. Each of the teams are made up of 5 people. So, in all, only 10 people out of the so many people in the NBA can make it onto this team. Your probably thinking, “Well, how do they even get selected onto the team?” These players get selected onto the team by the 30 head-coaches around the league. Each of the head-coaches will vote for one person who they think should be on the All-Defensive team. However, the coaches can’t vote for a person on their team. Whichever 10 people get voted the most, they get into the All-Defensive team. The 5 people with the most votes will go to the first team. The other five go onto the second team. If there is a tie in votes for fifth place, the first team will simply grow to six people on one team and five on the other.

Over the off-season, the Heat also got a point guard named Norris Cole. This young man has sparked up the Heat organization. He is a great ball handler and three point shooter. With Shane Battier and Norris Cole pleading to shoot the three ball at any time, the Heat are much more of a threat outside the perimeter. Even though Heat’s starting center, Zydrunas Ilgauskas has announced his retirement, they still have Joel Anthony. This year, the Heat have a healthy Udonis Haslem to get rebounds and block shots. With this nasty center and power forward, the Heat can increase there offensive and defensive rebounds.

Another sharpshooter is back in the line-up. That man’s name is Mike Miller. His three point shots are a beauty. The Miami Heat have so many threats now including the big three, Lebron James, Chris Bosh, and Dwyane Wade. LeBron James is having another great season scoring 27.4  points per game, 8.10 rebounds, and 6.8 assists per game. LeBron’s field goal percentage has gone up rapidly. By shooting more high-percentage shots, LeBron’s field goal percentage is 0.547%. That is really good. LeBron’s three point average 0.413% and his free-throw average is 773%. Chris Bosh is also having a monster season. Without D-Wade in the line-up at the start of the season, Bosh has stepped it up. Bosh is averaging 18.4 points per game, 8.30 rebounds, and 2.0 assists. Chris Bosh is a great threat inside the paint and outside. If you guard him too close, he’ll post up. If you guard his too far, he’ll use his shooting ability and shoot. Same with LeBron and Wade. Wade has been playing a okay season. His injuries have brought down his athleticism levels. Now Wade has recovered and is playing at the prime of his career scoring 22.4 points, 4.2 rebounds, and 4.8 assists.

The Heat are having a great season so far now that they have D-Wade back in the line up. Just recently they beat the New York Knicks, Jeremy Lin’s team, 102- 88. Now the Heat are 27-7  counting the win over the Knicks. With all these weapons around the court, the Heat are a sure playoff contenders. What is your favorite basketball team and basketball player?  I am pretty sure you guys know mine, LeBron James. If you don’t like basketball, what is your favorite sport and what is your favorite athlete?


Zoe said...

Great post, Rohan! My favorite basketball team is the New York Knicks because my favorite player, Jeremy Lin, is their point guard. Once again, fantastic post!

Shivani said...

Hi Rohan,
My favorite sport is swimming. I go to swim meets and on March 3rd and 4th I have another meet. My favorite athlete is Michael Phelps. I wish that I could see him one day.
- Shivani

Cody said...

Great post, Rohan I. My favorite basketball team is the New York Knicks even though they did lose some games. I like Jeremy Lin because he is like a man who has just walked out of the shadows.

Nick said...

Cool post Rohan I! I don't really support basketball, but my favorite team is the Miami Heat. Derrick Cole is my favorite player, because he likes taking shots from the outside, just like me! Go Heat!

Jessie W. said...

My favorite player, who is in the New York Knicks, is Jeremy Lin.

Jeremy said...

My favorite sport is basketball, but I don't have a favorite team. I never get to watch basketball and other sports because I don't have cable, I always have to play my instruments, and that my mom only allows me to use most electronics on weekends(with the exception of doing homework, and doing go-related things).

Ryan said...

Even though everyone likes Jeremy Lin, I still think the Miami Heat is better because they beat the Knicks. My favorite player is Lebron James becausw he has all around stats, and many assists to Dwayne Wade for slam dunks. Overall, great post!

Jasmin said...

Great post, Rohan! My favorite sport is swimming. I go swimming at YMCA every week. I don't really have a favorite athlete. For me, swimming is just fun.

Jacob W. said...

Hey Rohan, nice post! The post fits you well. You may know this but, my favorite player is Derrick Rose. Because of his athletic ability and quickness, he can get around almost everyone in the NBA. Derrick Rose has great basketball moves so he breaks a lot of peoples ankles. Oh! You mean actually breaking their ankles? No no no. It's a saying basketball players use. It means to make them fall when you have the ball. You can break the other player's ankles by doing a quick crossover. I also like the Boston Celtics because of Rajon Rondo's pointgaurd ability and and Ray Allen's shooting. I also think that Kevin Garnett is a good post.