Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Subjects & Predicates

Every sentence has a subject. It tells whom or what the sentence is about. The complete subject includes all the words in the subject, and the simple subject is the main word or words in the complete subject.

Every sentence has a predicate too. It tells what the subject is or does. The complete predicate includes all the words in the predicate, and the simple predicate is the main word or words in the complete predicate.

Create 3 of your own sentences. Write the simple subject and predicate after each sentence in parenthesis. Feel free to make corrections/suggestions about other sentences submitted if you do not agree.

ex: Students of Portal Elementary School treat their classmates with respect. (students/treat)


Anshul said...

These are the three sentences.

1. The little dog with the shiny leash jumped over the fence.(SS: dog,SP:jumped.

2.Joe, our instructional aid, can pronounce the world's longest word.(SS:Joe,SP:can)

3. Dilip's rapping is awesome.(SS:Dilip's, SP:is)

Brandon said...

1. The greedy rabbit ate all their crops. (rabbit, ate)

2. That kid smashed a rock against the computer because it was too slow. (kid, smashed)

3. His watch dropped off his hand and broke. (watch, dropped)

Agrima said...

Here are my sentences:
1. Know-it-alls always boss you around.[Know-it-alls,boss]
2. Many dogs enjoy going for a walk at least once a day.[dogs,going]
3. A lot of kids like playing Wallball.[kids,playing]

Neil said...

1. The dragon was disturbed. (dragon/disturbed)
2. I like roasting marshmallows over the fire. (I/roasting)
3. Watch out for that boy, he's furious! (boy/furious)

savita said...

These are some sentences:

1.I went walking Yesterday.
2.The dog barked all the time.
3.A monster scared all the members of the city.( monster/scared)

Katherine said...

1. Friends are people that support you. (Friends/are)

2. Nobody raised their hand when the teacher asked them a question. (Nobody/raised)

3. The bread on the dinner table disappeared in a flash. (bread/disappeared)

Anonymous said...

1. The boy was running very fast.(boy/was running)
2. The house fell down in a heap.(house/fell).
3. The knight charged straight for the monster fast(Knight/charged)

Joshua said...

- My brother likes to play ball. (brother/likes)
- The bee buzzed around my head annoyingly.(bee/buzzed)
- The ball knocked my brother unconsciously.(ball/knocked)

- Joshua

Pallavi N. said...

1.Everyone wants to be a superstar.(SS:Everyone SP:Wants)

2. Many people have read about Thomas Alva Edison.(SS:People SP:Have)

3.Habits are very hard to break.(SS:Habits SP:Are)

Danhee said...

Here are the three sentences:
1.The kid ate his ice cream. (kid,ate)

2.The girl had fell down from the monkey bars and broke her arm. (girl,broke)

3.The dog ran across the yard two times.(dog,ran)

Julie S. said...

1.The cute wolf howled at the moon at night.(SS:wolf, SP:howled)

2.Julie went to dance class after school.(SS:Julie, SP:went to)

3.My dad drove to work this morning.(SS:dad,SP:drove)

Julie S.

Jeffrey said...

Here are the three sentence

1. The man can do a cool monkey face.(man/can)

2.The piece of bread was stolen in a flash.(bread/stolen)

3.My friend is very good at playing video games.(friend/is)

Rohan Kumar said...

1. The boy was running very fast.(boy/was running)
2. The house fell down in a heap.(house/fell).
3. The knight charged straight for the monster fast(Knight/charged)

Olivia said...

My three sentences are:

1.My little dog is so smart that when i tell her a trick she does it right away!(SS:dog/SP:is)

2.That car is so shiny that the it sparkled in the sun.(SS;car/SP:is)

3.Mt mom is so protictive she wouldn't even let a flea hurt me.(SS:mom/SP:is)

Dilip V. said...

These are the sentences I have come up with.

1.The shiny gold crown was too small to rest up on the kings head(S:Crown P:was).

2.The big donkey slurped his water(S:Donkey P:slurped).

3.My pencil is too large for me to write with(S:Pencil P:is).

Anika said...

Three Sentences

1.They were picking grass. (They,were)

2. Pranav is hitting me. (Pranav,is)

3. Mrs.Hoo was my teacher. (Mrs.Hoo,was)

Anita said...

1. The bear ate all the honey.(bear, ate)
2. The girl slept on the bed. (girl, slept)
3. Every sentence has a subject and a predicate. (sentence, has)

Andy said...

Here are three sentences:

1.The giant panda chewed several stalks of bamboo.Simple subject:panda, Simple predicate:chewed

2.The bison ate as much grass as he could.Simple subject:bison,Simple predicate:ate

3.Jake's pet dog is six months old.
Simple subject:dog,Simple Predicate:is

Rasika said...

1.The boy secretly finished all the ice cream in the freezer.(boy,finished)

2.Ria read a 345 page book in one day.(Ria,read)

3.Peggie was so exited because her friend was coming over for a sleepover.(Peggie,sleepover)

Kimberly said...

1. My sister drew a picture of our family. (sister/drew)

2. Her drawings are like a artists. (Her/are)

3. Our new puppy likes to chew his leash. (puppy/chew)

Harsh said...

1.I like to look at the constellations during a starry night.(I,look)
2.Tim rode his bike five miles yesterday.(Tim,rode)
3.Edward's dad has been working on his laptop for three hours.(dad,working)

Ria said...

1. The remote fell on the ground right next to the blue caret. (remote,fell)

2.My ipod dropped on the hard surface table and got a scratch. (ipod, dropped)

3. Some people have many talents. (people,have)

Angeline said...

Here are 3 sentences.

1 I am typing right now.(ss:I sp: typing)

2 My dog chased the ball I threw.(ss:dog sp:chased)

3 Everyone needs to post a comment or else they would be in homework club.(ss:everyone sp:needs

Shoumil said...

The crazy person ate raw tarantulas.(ss:person sp:ate)\

The boy did two ripstik tricks.(ss:boy sp:tricks)

My sister's nose started bleeding.( ss: sister's sp: bleeding)

Jasmine said...

1. She ate all her dinner. [ S.S. :she, S.P.: ate]

2. The fish swam in it's tank. [S.S.:fish, S.P.: swam]

3. The pig rolled around in the mud.[S.S.: pig,S.P.: rolled]

Sarah said...

1. The naughty kid broke his mom's vase. (kid, broke)

2. Wallball is a very popular sport here at Murdock Portal.(Wallball, is)

3. A bird started chirping after it found worms.(bird, chirping)

Alicia said...

These are my three sentences...

1) My brother went camping at Yosemite park over the summer.(brother, camping)

2) The horse tromped along the fence. (horse, tromped)

3) Ms. McPheeters teaches science and language arts. (Ms. McPheeters, teaches)

Himanshu said...

These are three sentences.

(1)In the ocean,the Humpback Whale did a trick in the air.(Sub:Whale,Pred:trick)
(2)In Yellowstone,there are many geysers but my favorite geyser is the Old Faithful.(Sub:geyser,Pred:is)
(3)In Lake Tahoe,I saw the black bear eating all the junk in the trash can(Sub:bear,Pred:eat)

Ishan said...

Hm correct me if I'm wrong which I probably will be wrong....

Ishan bombed the house with rocks because he was bored.
(Ishan, bombed)

I stuck my hand in the fire because I wanted to know how it felt like.

(I, stuck)

I, the most awesome guy in the world, likes Dilip's rapping.

(I, likes)