Thursday, August 27, 2009

Anshul's Post

Special Talents
By: Anshul

Have you ever done something incredible where people ask you how you do it and you just say that you were born to do it? I think every single person in the world has a special talent. I can solve the Rubik's cube and people ask me how I do it. You could be double jointed, spell a super long word, or even say a super long tongue twister amazingly fast. I want to know everybody's talents and how they do them. One thing I found out is that when you see something super cool and try to do it, it is really hard to do it. What are your special talents that are superb? Why do you think certain people can do their talents?


Jasmine said...

One wacky talent that I have is I can reach my tongue all the way to my nose. Most people ask me how I do it and I just say "I can.'' Because sometimes when people ask you how you do something you can't really explain how to do it. You were born to do it. Other people can't always do your special talent and sometimes you can't do there's.

Julie S. said...

Im good at hula-hooping. People always ask how I do it.I just tell
them,"I just can!!" Julie S.

Anonymous said...

One of my talents are preforming magic tricks. I could learn a magic trick in less than a wink. I actually enjoy preforming magic tricks in front of people. I learn most of the magic tricks from my grandpa. I am a fan of watching magic shows. I try to figure out the magic tricks. I think I have the talent of preforming magic tricks. If you are smart enough you could preform magic tricks too.

Katherine said...

My talent is memorizing things that I want to remember. When my dad tells me to wash the dishes, I always forget because I don't want to do it. However, when I want to memorize things like bible verses, I always remember it quickly and accurately, so I won first place in the game yesterday. Sometimes people ask you how you do things, and you can't explain. Well, it was because all of us were born with different personalities and talents.

Harsh said...

I think my talent is reading really fast.I finished a 768 page book in about 11 hours.

Rasika said...

One of my talents is saying a really wacky word which is pneumomoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.It is a 45 letter word.I also made up a song to go with it to help me memorize it.

Neil said...

My mom says one of my talents is making people laugh. When someone says something I try to make a joke about it. I also do it when I am doing something. I don't think about it, it just rolls out of my mouth. When people ask me how I am so funny I just say I don't know. I think it is imperative that we all have different talents because each on is important. So if your talent is counting to three don't be sad. We might still need your talent someday. I think people are born with there talent.

Angeline said...

My talent is drawing. I have entered two compatitions and won trophies! The first time I entered was in 2008 and I won 2nd place. Thats pretty good. This year I got 1st place! Thats even better. I wish I could bring my trophies to school.

Sarah said...

I think my talent is lifting one eyebrow up. Lifting one eyebrow is very challenging for most people. When people say how to do it i just say "try to lift an eyebrow". I think everyone has a talent because everyone is special.

Anita said...

One talent I have is to hop on one leg around and around while holding my nose, keep on hitting my head, sticking my tongue in and out,and blinking my eyes. People ask how I do it and I say " I can."

Dilip said...

My talent is beat boxing to any rap songs. A lot of people keep asking me how I do it and how to do it but I say "Its in my blood" or "I don't know". They ask me to do more and imitate me like "b-b-k". I actually really don't know how I do it but I just do.

Rohan said...

One of my talents is playing piano. I really like to play piano because it is really fun. I have been playing piano for 3 years. I someone asks me how I play it like that, I just tell them it takes lot of practice.

Shoumil said...

My talent is computers. It is my talent because I find things out by my self like in science you experiment to find things out.

Nidhi =D said...

Rasika, what does



Ishan said...

Hmm I really don't know what my special talent is. I guess its drumming? Well the drumming I did at the talent show was nothing to what I know now! So yeah. I think I was the only person in Portal to play the drums and maybe the only person in Hyde too!

Ishan said...

Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just started thinking and I found out another special talent I have! I type VERY FAST!!! I was the first person in rockhopper to complete type to learn 3 and this whole paragraph I'm writing only took about 20 seconds to write! It would have been faster if I already knew what I was going to write!