Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Andy & Justin's Robot Challenge

Our very own Andy (room 19) & Justin (room 24) were participants in FIRST LEGO League (FLL) where they scored 1st PLACE!!! FLL is a program where teams mix curiosity and imagination with LEGO bricks, sensors, motors, and gears to invent unique, autonomous robots capable of completing various missions. Each September FLL teams compete around the world with an annual Challenge. The Challenge is based on a set of real-world problems facing scientists and engineers today. This year their focus was on transportation in their very own communities. They researched how people traveled, what problems or obstacles they encountered, and then designed solutions to increase their efficiency while reducing their energy.

Here are some of their ideas and solutions about traffic in their community. What are some of your thoughts or ideas regarding traffic?

Why are traffic jams bad
-Delays peoples trips
-People are late for events
-People get mad and frustrated
-Waste time
-Waste gas
-Bad for environment

What Causes Traffic Jams                   
-Rubber necks-
People are sleepy

-Car crashes,accidents
- Too many cars,rush hour
-Work zones

-Bad weather
-Highway and road intersections
-People drink alcohol

 Traffic Jam solutions
- more tollbooths!
-bike lanes on highways(make a barrier between lanes)
-lower bike prices
-make car prices higher
-pay bikers to bike
-free school bus rides
-more buses
-make gasoline prices higher

 Here is the website of the challenge.

The robot challenge video is on the website below. In the first and third videos, Justin and Andy are the operators. The highest score any team could get is 400 and they scored 350! Game 3 scored 350 points which put them to the top spot among 24 teams. Way to go!!!


Angeline said...

CONGRADULATIONS Andy and Justin!!!!
That is so awesome. You two must be really good to win. I wish I were you.

Ishan Sharmaster said...

Amazing! Super! Wow! Congratulations guys! Hmm...maybe I should start putting my vast knowledge of the sciences to good use....HAHA!

Julie S. said...

I agree with Angeline.... CONGRADULATIONS!!!! People can creat a robot that controls trafic that is solar powered!!! That ways, trafic lights (now trafic robot ) won't break!! Another way is to change alllllllllll cars into solar powered. I thinking of turning cars into bikes......... Anyways congradulations!!

Joshua said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I watched the video and you guys were awesome!!

Danhee said...

You guys were AWESOME! It was totally cool! I loved the robot! CONGRATULATION!